Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by numbersix »

NSpan wrote:
Funny thing is: I started our little "Movie Club" based on the fact that I've never seen two particular MUST-SEE films: Casablanca and Lawrence of Arabia. And, somehow, they still manage to both remain on my to-see list...
For the love of God go see Lawrence in the cinema. If ever there was a film that should be seen on the big screen, that is surely it. From my list of 2 flicks I'd say go see The Apartment. It's a wonderful film. I like Stardust Memories because it's an accessible rip-off of Bergman and Fellini at the same time. If that appeals to you then check that out instead.

UDM wrote: who has theirs ordered and has had their #1 pick picked?
I have a number one film selected in my head, though it's not definitive. Around about this mark any film from 30-1 could be my favourite film, depending on mood, moment, etc. So while I'll probably stick with what I've selected, it's some arbitrary and I certainly can't justify why my #1 is greater than my #21.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Leestu »

numbersix wrote:
Well, now that it's Awards season, I thought I might take a look at the history of the two most prestigious award ceremonies and see if they matched my taste.
With the Oscars out of the 77 or so ceremonies only 9 Best Picture winners appear in my Top 100 (8 Best Director films). And with the Cannes Film Festival, only 6 Palm D'Or winners made my list. Although with Cannes there's dozens of past winners I haven't seen.
Anyone else have a higher amount?
I have 12 Best Picture Winners, with 10 of those also winning Best Director, and 1 other that won Best Director but not Best Picture.
4 Palme D'Or winners.

What's interesting is of those 12 Best Picture winners only 2 of them are from the last 30 years, compared to 3 of the 4 Palme D'Or winners.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by JohnErle »

undeadmonkey wrote:your number #1?! i still haven't ordered my top twenty, ugh, i don't know what to do! but there's about 65% chance that someone has picked my #1 pick.

who has theirs ordered and has had their #1 pick picked?
My #1 had stayed the same since the late 80s, but when I did this list I bumped it all the way down to #2 for the first time ever.

I did my whole list during the Xmas break when I had a lot of extra free time. I did obsess over the order at first but after a while I just wrapped up the list and moved on. There are stretches in my list with 10-15 movies all rated equally in my mind so I just left them in alphabetical order.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by undeadmonkey »

no, i understand, I could name any movie in my top 25 as my favorite. But for the lists sake, we are saying that #1 is better than #2 and #3 is better than #7 (if only slightly and only at this exact moment). haha

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Chienfantome »

Time for a late thread recap...

Seen : 8 films
Average grade : 7.87
An impressive round my friend. You've outdone yourself in this thread, Shryke. There is nothing I loathe in your set. T2 is my least favourite, but you put up two great PIxar films, a LOTR chapter, an underrated favourite of my teen years (Sneakers), and one of my favourite guilty pleasures. Good job, man.

Seen : 8
Average grade : 7.87 (the exact same as Shryke !)
I can only praise your choices as well, SS. You already know how much I love Harold and Maude, but the rest of your picks are remarkable, from good Burtons to the beauty of In the mood for love.

Seen : 7
Grade : 7.58
The Apartment, a film I share with you on my list, is not the only film of this set I love, arrow. His Girl Friday and A Tale of Two Sisters are two I appreciate greatly too.

Seen : 9
Grade : 6.43
Well this was an "off" round as far as our compatibility goes, tranny. Happy Gilmore and Lock, Stock killed our chances of getting along this time, while Unforgiven and The Good, the bad, the ugly was pushing was a great chemistry between our tastes. Too bad. Hey, it could have been worse.

Seen : 10
Grade : 8.1
What an impressive set of films, Ozzy. 3 overlaps between our lists, Jurassic Park, Truman Show and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Plus a whole bunch of films I love, from Into the Wild to The Dark Knight by the way of Up ? Excellent.

Ron B
Seen : 10
Grade : 7.6
Why did you have to love Blow and Snatch, Ron ? Without those two, your grade would be higher. Much higher. That gives a good indication of how much I love your other films. Fantastic round, despite those two missteps.

Seen : 7
Grade : 7.85
The Big lebowski, Amelie and Return of the Jedi are the clear highlights of your choices, Buscemi, especially the first two ;)

Seen : 6
Grade : 8.33
I haven't seen much of your picks, this round, Six. But I can't complain about the six (haha) I have seen. Nice choice picking The Royal Tenenbaums and The Apartment.

Seen : 8
Grade : 6.56
If you did choose some great films, like The Shawshank Redemption, Amelie or Knocked Up, you also picked some unwatchable stuff like Ray or The Devil's Advocate. Too bad.

Seen : 9
Grade : 7.77
A very english-speaking round for you Barca, but a very good one. From Kubrick to Leone, Reiner to Nolan, you have listed some great films here.

Seen : 7
Grade : 7.42
Saw apart, this is an excellent round of films, Geez. Hey, I even like Independence Day, how's that !

Seen : 5
Grade : 7.7
Wowwwwww, I have only seen 5 of your films, leestu ! That's unusual. Beyond that, the five films in question are five great films. Well, I should say 4 great films and a masterpiece. Nice.

Seen : 7
Grade : 6.71
I guess Monsters Inc is the film you picked I prefer. Otherwise, there's nothing great for me in this round of yours. Some good and fun stuff, but nothing more.

Seen : 7
Grade : 6.5
The great gets mixed up with the bad. Life of Brian, Seven and Rushmore are the great ones. The rest, I could live without seeing again (for what I have seen...).

Seen : 10
Grade : 7.6
This is all-american, all-recent stuff from you UDM. But these are only good films, and that's the most important thing for now. Especially two extraordinary Spielberg films I listed myself.

Seen : 7
Grade : 7.5
I don't know what I would think of the films I have not seen in your list, but the ones I have seen, I love. There are even two overlaps with my own list, Zodiac and Saving Private Ryan.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by silversurfer19 »

Taking an opportunity to catch up while Shryke is away...


Shrykespeare:– This was actually a very good round, Shryke, and I've noticed you have been gradually improving over the last couple of rounds. Book ending two Pixar classics and filling them with Se7en, Terminator and LOTR is always going to reap rewards from me. Shame about Dodgeball, and I will seek out a couple of your movies I haven't seen two, especially Executive Decision.

Favourite Movie: Se7en
Round Average: 8.2
Overall Average: 6.83

thegreenarrow: - While the vast majority of your picks were absolute classics for me, with seven crossovers, your other movies which didn't make my list were still pretty good too. Always enjoy some Henson, and while A Tale Of Two Sisters and O Brother were not great, they were certainly not bad either. Good round.

Favourite Movie: The Apartment
Round Average: 9.15
Overall Average: 8.65

transformers: - Certainly a round which got better as it progressed, your 35-31 picks were very good, culminating with four picks which crossed over with my own list. Do The Right Thing and South Park are also movies I've enjoyed, but Sandler is just going to bring your average down.

Favourite Movie: Toy Story
Round Average: 7.77
Overall Average: 6.85

englishozzy: - Despite no crossover's this round Oz (though Jurassic Park and TDK just missed my top 100), there were plenty of decent movies and only really Aladdin which let you down for me. Not a huge fan of Bond either, but no real complaints as I fully expected someone would love it.

Favourite Movie: Jurassic Park
Round Average: 7.7
Overall Average: 6.87

Ron Burgundy:- A bit of an up and down round, though most of your downs were still respectful (okay, maybe Snatch and Blow are not). Three crossovers with my own list, and good to see some appreciation for Moon, which although will unlikely ever make my top 100 was certainly one of my favourites from last year.

Favourite Movie: Alien
Round Average: 7.3
Overall Average: 6.94

Buscemi:- A very strong round which unfortunately came to a halt at the final hurdles, with Thirteen not impressing me and I haven't seen Bowling For Columbine. Otherwise, some really great picks including five crossovers on my own list and plenty to admire beyond that.

Favourite Movie: E.T The Extra Terrestrial
Round Average: 8.75
Overall Average: 7.91

Chienfantome: – Some absolute classics of my formative years here Chien, along with some other greats which I've been lucky to see over the last couple of years. Some really good stuff here, where despite only having two crossovers, both of those are awesome!

Favourite Movie: Edward Scissorhands
Round Average: 8.33
Overall Average: 7.5

numbersix: - Again quite a number of absolute classics on your list here six, and while not all of them appeal to my own taste (Blue Velvet is brilliant but not something I like to watch often, and The Godfather just isn't a genre I care much for), I can at least appreciate the quality on show. Just the four crossovers with my own list in this round. I will be finally able to watch The Conversation in the next month or so though, as it's being played on tv for once. Really looking forward to that.

Favourite Movie: Rope
Round Average:8.81
Overall Average: 8.79

Banks: - While there were plenty of decent movies this round, there was little which really stood out for me, with just the one crossover. Unfortunately I hadn't seen 5 of your movies from the round, and none of those really appealed to me so it probably helped your average score. But hopefully this is a sign of improvement overall.

Favourite Movie: Amelie
Round Average: 8.1
Overall Average: 6.95

BarcaRulz: - For me this was a round which started poorly but improved as it progressed, without ever reaching any real highlights beyond the one crossover. Again other than Death At A Funeral there was a lot of very decent movies, as well as Once Upon A Time In America which has been on my must see list for a long time. Probably you're poorest round for me from the entire countdown though, hopefully things will improve.

Favourite Movie: The Shining
Round Average: 6.83
Overall Average: 7.65

Geezer: - Hmm, a pretty average start to the round, but it improved greatly as it progressed, resulting in 3 crossovers. Shame about Willy Wonka, Hot Rod and Independence Day dragging your scores down though.

Favourite Movie: Shaun Of The Dead
Round Average: 7.45
Overall Average: 6.94

leestu:- Unfortunately once again I haven't seen too many of your picks this round, but of those I have seen, they were some very good movies. You had two crossovers with my own list, while In The Heat Of The Night and Taxi Driver were two movies I've watched again in the last year and thoroughly enjoyed. Really want to see Once Upon A Time In America soon though.

Favourite Movie: Jaws
Round Average: 8.58
Overall Average: 8.13

W: - Despite some quite bizarre choices (Big Bird?) this was actually an okay round from the movies I've seen. Shame you had Armageddon to dampen a list including Shaun Of The Dead, I Love You, Man, Ferris Bueller and Monsters Inc.

Favourite Movie: Shaun Of The Dead
Round Average: 7.1
Overall Average: 5.53

NSpan: – Wow, quite a stretch of comedies in your round, obviously when it comes to getting enjoyment out of your movies that generally has to mean it includes a few laughs. Most of your picks were decent if not good, with Seven, Army Of Darkness and Rushmore the standouts, only movie I'd avoid is Lock Stock.

Favourite Movie: Seven
Round Average: 7.11
Overall Average: 7.39

undeadmonkey: - Not an awful round by any means, in fact we actually watched Mean Girls last night based on your recommendation and found it to be quite smart and funny, despite a few cliched plot devices. Otherwise, two movies made my own list and plenty of others which are good watches. Just a shame your another one to fall into the trap of Aladdin...

Favourite Movie: Spider-Man 2
Round Average: 7.27
Overall Average: 7.29

JohnErle: – Once again quite a few movies I've never even heard of never mind watched! Luckily the movies I have seen I've rather enjoyed, with Shallow Grave and Zodiac highlights. Could not stand Dead Ringers though. Unfortunately no crossovers this round either.

Favourite Movie: Zodiac
Round Average: 7.25
Overall Average: 7.57

Man, as of now 85 of my top 100 has appeared on other lists!

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by JohnErle »

I wasn't sure where to put this, but one of my favourite movies of all time, and one which is probably a bit hard to find, has just shown up on the only torrent site I ever use. I won't link to it here, but it's YTS.RE, and the movie may be showing up on other torrent sites as well, but these guys usually do excellent rips. It could be on Netflix as well for all I know, and I feel a bit weird encouraging piracy, but for a somewhat forgotten movie like this, I'll make an exception. If you're going to download anyway, you may as well download something good.

Here's what I had to say about The Name Of The Rose way back in 2011:


The Name of the Rose (1986)
– Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud; starring Sean Connery, F. Murray Abraham, Christian Slater and Elya Baskin. Part murder mystery, part horror, part historical epic. Muddy and magnificent. Sean Connery as a man of reason in an age of superstition.
There must be a boxed set coming out paying tribute to Sean Connery's beard because a lot of his films from the 80s and 90s appeared on this site on the same day. I also highly recommend The Hunt For Red October for anyone who hasn't seen it.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Buscemi »

I actually got The Name of the Rose on Blu-ray a few weeks ago. It was under $10 on Amazon.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Chienfantome »

In France it's a classic that is broadcasted on TV every couple of year. I've seen it a couple of times at least, good film indeed.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by JohnErle »

I had to hunt high and low a few years ago just to find a DVD. It wasn't on Amazon and I can't remember where I finally found it. Maybe I just got lucky in a dollar store one day. I'm glad it's available on Blu-Ray, but I see that only has 6 copies, so it looks like a limited run that will sell out pretty quickly. The IMDb trivia says it was one of the highest grossing films of the year in France and did quite well in Europe, so maybe it's only hard to find here in North America.

I also really like Annaud's Quest For Fire, which has a similar look and feel. Is that one as well regarded in France?

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Buscemi »

It's not a title from Twilight Time or Scorpion (Warner Bros. put out the Blu-ray) so I'm sure will get more copies.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Chienfantome »

JohnErle wrote:I also really like Annaud's Quest For Fire, which has a similar look and feel. Is that one as well regarded in France?
It is. Annaud's films are usually considered cinematographic events here in France, or at least they used to be, in the 80's and 90's, and even early 00's. The huge flop of "Sa Majesté Minor" really hurt his power of attraction a few years ago, and now his films are less craved for. He's got a new one coming out this year, that feels closer to what he did with "L'ours" and "Deux frères". It should be easier to sell to audiences.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by JohnErle »

The Bear and The Lover both had lots of critical acclaim in the west, as I recall, but he seemed to lose a lot of his prestige after that. I'd forgotten that The Lover was his, and I also kinda liked Enemy At The Gate, even though the script was frustrating the way it kept putting people into inescapable situations and then cutting to the next scene without any explanation of how they got out of it. It was a good looking movie, though.

I re-watched The Name Of The Rose last night and loved it as much as ever. And considering everything that happened in France this past week, its themes are as relevant as ever. Very little has changed since the 80s, or since the 14th century in some parts of the world.

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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Chienfantome »

Maybe I should rewatch it, I haven't seen it in a loong time.
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Re: Fantaverse Top 100 Movies of All Time (Thread #7): 40-31

Post by Shrykespeare »

Jeez, how did THIS thread come back to life?
Happy 60th birthday Jet Li! (4/26/23)

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