Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by englishozzy »


25. Crystal Maze
24. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
23. Big Break
22. The Simpsons
21. Shameless
20. That 70's Show
19. Alias
18. Robot Wars
17. Hustle
16. Gladiator
15. My Family
14. How i Met Your Mother
13. Noel's House Party


Lost (2004-2010)

An American drama series that follows the lives of various individuals after they find themselves crash landing on a remote and mysterious island.

This show got a lot of stick for being too confusing but for myself i found it quite refreshing actually having to think and recap on what had happened previously to keep up with the show. I will admit that the last two seasons werent on par with the rest but still a very enjoyable ride. ... re=related
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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by englishozzy »

Hayley's Recap

25. Grange Hill
24. USA High
23. Sister Sister
22. Two Guys and a Girl
21. Angel
20. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
19. Footballer's Wives
18. Secret Diary of a Call Girl
17. Charmed
16. Medium
15. Ghost Whisperer
14. Will and Grace
13. Heroes


Scrubs (2001-2010)

An American comedy following the lives of a group of friends as they go through their internship at a teaching hospital.

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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by Chienfantome »

Don't do a recap now for me guys, as anyway in 3 days I'll be off the boards for more than two weeks. Do one at the very end ;)
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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by Shrykespeare »


The Black Adder (four series) (BBC, 1983-1989)

The show that introduced me to the likes of comic geniuses like Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry. Four separate series based on the basically the same set of characters, each in a different period in history. From the Middle Ages, to the Elizabethan Era, to the Victorian Era, to WWI, Atkinson's Edmund Blackadder remained the same caustic, sarcastic, selfish, brilliantly hysterical loser. It's one of the most awesomely written collection of stories I've ever seen, and it still makes me laugh to this day.

And here's a scene from the second series, featuring a performance from Tom Baker, best known to the world as the fourth Dr. Who:

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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by numbersix »

I swear to god if Scrubs becomes our collective #1 TV show I'm gonna open a can of whupass on you all.

Blackadder: A great show, which only didn't make my list because Season 1 is a bit poor

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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by silversurfer19 »

12. Looney Tunes (1930-69)

A brilliant series of madcap shorts which revolutionised animation, taking it forward in great leaps from Mickey Mouse to the cartoons we see today. It was developed as an opposition to Disney's Silly Symphonies (which while brilliant in themselves, did't quite have the sheer energy and intensity of Looney Tunes), and it's sharply written and fantastically voiced characters ensured it would stay around for a long time to come. I have watched the series since I was a kid, I used to run around screaming "¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa¡ ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw!" in my best impression of Speedy Gonzales at the top of my lungs. It's such a shame you don't see them on tv anymore, as they are fundamentally one of the strongest sets of animation ever created. I ensured we started collecting the Golden Collection DVD sets for when we have kids, there's no way they are missing out on such genius as Wile. E Coyote (the greatest animated character ever!), Marvin The Martian or Bugs Bunny. Wickedly inventive and influential, if I alone have to ensure the legacy of this brilliant series lives on, it won't pain me at all.

One of my favourites, What's Opera Doc?

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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by undeadmonkey »

haha, love that one SS. glad i'm not the only one who loves the show

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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by NSpan »

Show #13

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005 - 2011, FX) ... k-shopping

It's "Seinfeld" on crack.

(Sorry for the non-embedded video, but I think it illustrates my point)
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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by Buscemi »

Day 17: The Simpsons (Seasons 1-8) (1989-1997, Fox)

What can be said that hasn't been said about this show yet? Of course, I'm only counting the first eight seasons (before the show turned into nothing but the characters trying to be hip and at least one celebrity guest star an episode). Always remember the good days between December 1989 and May 1997.

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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by undeadmonkey »

Show #11


Veronica Mars (2004-2007, UPN)

premise: After her best friend is murdered and her father is removed as county sheriff, Veronica Mars dedicates her life to cracking the toughest mysteries in the affluent town of Neptune.

a show about a smart teenage girl, who used to be a whose who in her town, but now has to resort to taking odd private investigation jobs to get by, All while trying to find out who killed her best friend. The writing was amazing in this show, the acting was great. I was hooked by the first episode and watched it religiously. to be honest, i loved the show so much and it ended so perfectly the first season, that to this day i have not seen season 2 or 3. So yea, i admit the next seasons might diminish my love for it a bit, if i ever get around to watching them. So far though, i only own the first season and have watched it through quite a few times.

if anyone is interested you can watch the first two seasons here at the moment


The Office (UK) (2001-2003, BBC 2)

Awkward spoof reality-TV wasn’t particularly original by the new millennium, but Ricky Gervais came up with a brilliant premise, and of course a brilliant character. David Brent worked because he was a great comic character but he felt real. You could see elements of Brent in the offices you worked in. And the humour was so awkward because of this. But Gervais also constructed great characters in Gareth, Tim, and Dawn, especially the latter two where you could form an emotional bond with.

The US version was okay for a while, but it became very unrealistic very quickly, and settled as a regular sitcom with a format that no longer suited it. It doesn’t come close to the original.

I said it about Fawlty Towers, but the same stands for this as well. Ricky Gervais was bright and honourable enough not to let The Office descend into mundane dreck, so he ended it after 2 seasons and a Christmas Special. It was better to end on a high. And sure, Extras wasn’t as good, and his movies have all been poor, but at least he can always say he got it right with this.

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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by transformers2 »

Alright here is my attempt to catch up. 25-20 right now. 19-13 in a little bit. (Note: Considering my youth, there are a lot of older shows I haven't seen)

25. Lost (ABC 2004-2010): This would have been a lot higher, but considering the underwhelming final few seasons it get this postion. Still the magic of the first two seasons especially are enough for Lost to warrant a spot on my list. In the beginning, this show was filled with suspense and mystery (there was a cliffhanger just about every week!) and that's what made Lost so special. The later seasons felt kind of half-assed in comparison. The first two seasons of Lost are among the best in television, the rest not so much.

24.Tim and Eric Awesome Show. Great Job! (Adult Swim 2007-2010): This show is completely irreverent and ridiclous, but that's what make it's so great. There is nothing else like it. Tim and Eric's brand of humor is extremely unique and fun to watch. It's not for everyone, but for those who enjoy silly/oddball humor, no show does it than the Tim and Eric Awesome Show.

23.Everybody Loves Raymond (CBS 1996-2005): I would argue to say that no sitcom feels as real as Everybody Loves Raymond. The characters all seem like real people in real situations, they are just funnier than everyday family. Peter Boyle stole the show as Ray's father Frank (he reminded me of my grandfather except he was also funny instead of just miserable.) One of the most iconic and best sitcoms of all-time.

22.Reno 911! (Comedy Central 2003-2009): This show just always killed me. It's pretty much a dead-on spoof of Cops. All of the characters are hilarious and have their own quirks. I really loved the zaniness of the scenarios and the characters on this show.

21.Eastbound and Down (HBO 2009-Present): Danny McBride really make this show. He makes Kenny Powers one of the funniest characters on television right now. He is a vulgar,mean, asshole trying to make a comeback into the major leagues. Both seasons are hilarious (though too short) and I look forward to the third and (sadly) final season this year.

20.Louie )(FX 2010-Present): Louis C.K is one of the funniest people on planet earth. This show is almost as good as good as his amazing stand-up. The show is half stand-up and half-plot. The show is filled with his tradmark wit and self-loathing. Such an outstanding show and it's pretty much just getting started.
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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by numbersix »

Don't unsersell Tim and Eric, Tranny, it's more than silly, sometimes it can really hit the nail on the head (like the episode where they parody MTV by doing an MTV version of their show). And on that note I'm seeing Tim and Eric live this Sunday. It's their first tour of Europe, and looking forward to seeing how they work live.

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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by Shrykespeare »


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (CBS, 1993-1999)

The only one of the four major Star Trek shows that actually spent its entirety in one location, a vacated Cardassian space station orbiting the planet Bajor. I was dubious as to whether this could work when it started, especially given the motliness of the crew, which including a Trill science officer (Terry Farrell, who, I have to tell you, is TEN TIMES more gorgeous in person), a Ferengi barkeep and a shapeshifting security officer. But once it smoothed over the rough edges from the first two seasons, it really got going, especially when a powerful force from the other side of the nearby wormhole (known as The Dominion) became the biggest menace to the Federation since the Borg, prompting the addition of Lt. Worf from TNG.

Of course, not every episode was a home run, but a lot of them were. And almsot all of the best involved Garak, a Cardassian tailor and former covert operative whose skills came in very handy at times. Played with such verve by Andrew Robinson, he was maybe the best supporting character in Star Trek history.

I know that most of you probably won't, but just in case, here is Part 1 of a DS9 episode called "In the Pale Moonlight". It is one of the best-written episodes, not only of Star Trek, but any show EVER. Watch it, and if you are intrigued, click on it, and you can get links to Parts 2-5. The acting is simply astounding, and Garak has never been better.

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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by W »

12. Saturday Night Live (1975-present, NBC, Sketch Comedy) - SNL has had some truly high highs and has catapaulted the careers of some of the biggest names in comedy films. Each era (besides this current one IMO) has had some really great performers. When Belushi, Akroyd, and Murray hand a torch over to Eddie Murphy who handed it to Billy Crystal... to Carvey/Sandler/Spade/Farley/Hartman/Nealon... to Ferrell... you know you're doing something right. I can go back and re-watch Operaman, Fred Garvin: Male Prostitute, Cowbell, or Matt Foley: Motivational Speaker or I can find old stuff I hadn't seen before like "What the Hell is That?"

11. Survivor (2000-present, CBS, game show) - I know a lot of people will laugh at this pick, but it really is a mind game through and through. You have to get rid of the competition in a way where they'll give you a million dollars at the end. That's just not easy. There's so many strategies that have been employed that worked and so many that have fell flat on their faces. There are some terrible seasons and some great ones. The best seasons are the ones where you have no clue what's going to happen on a given day. The worst ones are where no one challenges leadership and everyone gets steamrolled.
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Re: Top 25 Favorite TV Shows

Post by NSpan »

W wrote:12. Saturday Night Live (1975-present, NBC, Sketch Comedy) - SNL has had some truly high highs and has catapaulted the careers of some of the biggest names in comedy films. Each era (besides this current one IMO) has had some really great performers.
I bet you a million dollars you'll change your mind about that after some time passes. It happens with every era of SNL. The new crop looks like shit at first... and then some stars emerge. Hell, this lineup is incredible compared to a few I can think of. None of the following are notable in your opinion?

Fred Armisen
Bill Hader
Seth Meyers
Andy Samberg
Jason Sudeikis
Kristen Wiig
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