Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »


Screen203 - Parasite - I've already posted a Disturbed song (and have two more coming), so obviously I love this band (and David Draiman's voice). This song doesn't really stand out as one of their best for me, but had no problems with listening to it again. 8/10

Ron B - What Else Is There? - Gotta love that Scandinavian electro-synthpop. This was quite good. Excellent choice. 7.5/10

Surfer - The Hand That Feeds - I'm so stoked to see NIN go into the R&R Hall of Fame in a couple months. They so deserve it. While I don't like this one as much as "Only", it's still a great tune. 7.5/10

Chien - The Greatest - Beautiful song, Chien. For obvious reasons, I'm glad this fell on the same day that I posted Love's Divine. The lilting vocals of both songs go pretty well together. 7/10

NSpan - When Jokers Attack - This was cool. Very reminiscent of The Smiths...and the singer's voice is quite Morrissey-ish, which is a good thing. 6.5/10

Geezer - Chop Suey - This, for me, is SOAD's signature song (well, either this one or "Toxicity", take your pick). Which doesn't mean I love it, but I don't hate it either. 6.5/10

Transformers - Baby's First Coffin - Most of the song was unlistenable. However, the segment from 2:30 - 3:30 saved it, when the tempo slows down. The background guitars reminded me of one of my favorite songs, and it took me the longest time to figure out which one it was. But I got it. :) 6/10

Leestu - STAR LOVE - If you took Miki Berenyi of Lush, taught her Japanese, and threw in some thrash metal guitars and screamy growls (that Tranny must be LOVING) to supplement the shoegazing stuff, it would sound like this. The combination as a whole doesn't totally click with me, but it's interesting. 6/10

Six - Last Nite - Another repeater! Sorry, the lead singer's voice just grates on me in this song. Like the frantic tempo, though I think I've heard this song a few hundred times too many. (I love the song "Oblivius", though... go figure.) 5.5/10

JohnErle - Badonkadonkey - Good song, eh. 5.5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Leestu »

The I Love It

System of a Down, Chop Suey - an instant great mood song and a classic that I will never tire of

The Strokes, Last Nite - an instant great mood song and a classic that I will never tire of

The Great

Born Ruffians, Badonkadonkey - first listen...I can hear hear both Vampire Weekend and AC in this, and both from their better eras. Likable and interesting

Nine Inch Nails, The Hand That Feeds - consistently great band...glad I got to see them live once...great performer

The Very Good

The Brian Jonestown Massacre, When Jokers Attack - first listen...I've only gotten into BJM recently but I'm really liking them so far..this was cool..mix shoegaze and pscyh and it's pretty much guaranteed I'll like it...although I've found them more enjoyable as an album band more so than stand out singles

The Good

The Dillinger Escape Plan, Baby's First Coffin - part of a really good album that I prefer as a whole experience...this is a cool song though

Cat Power, The Greatest - first listen...nice song...I liked her vocal style.whole

The Okay

Royskopp feat. Karin Dreijer Anderrson, What Else Is There? - first know I don't normally get into downtempo music but their debut album is really good. This is not quite on that level though, but the vocals are good

The Meh

Disturbed, Parasite - I don't dislike this, just doesn't stand out for me

The Rest

Seal, Love’s Divine - first listen...Hallmark songs like this are really not for me...

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Geez - Chop Suey - Dick Yeah! I considered this for my list, i agree with what u said. 7/10
Six - Last Nite - wow, been nearly 20 years. Great song. 7/10
Surf - The Hand that Feeds - Ive seen these guys live too! Another top song. 7/10
Chien - The Greatest - FL. Its ok. Definitely need to be in the mood though. 5/10
JohnnyE - Badonkadonkey - FL. I may have heard this before, but not 100%. Its pretty good. 6/10
Leestu - STAR LOVE - FL2 - I got into this, dream pop eh. New to me. 6/10
NSPan - When Jokers Attack - FL. Good title, and decent song too. 5.5/10
Screen - Parasite - Once upon a time i liked this band a bit. Now i don't. 4/10
Shryke - Love's Divine - Hallmark music, or Karaoke? Good singer but will never live up to Kiss from a Rose ever again. 3/10
Tranny - Baby's First Coffin - Seen these guys perform on stage once with Faith No More, it actually sounds similar to some of their stuff. Bit too screamy for me though. 3.5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Chienfantome »

#78 (yeah', I'm late)

Geezer : Red City Radio, In The Meantime : Not my kind of rock
John : First Aid Kit, Emmylou : Cute, but I’m not much into country
Leestu : Flaming Lips, Do you realize : Fantastic song, it ended up very close to my own top.
Nspan : Redwalls, It’s alright : Indeed a very retro and interesting sound, not bad at all.
Ron : Radiohead, 15 steps : you can never go wrong with Radiohead. It wasn’t a song that really stuck with me amongst their work of this century, but it’s still very good.
Screen : Tove Lo, True Disaster : nope
Shryke : Depeche mode, when the body speaks : Easy listen, quite enjoyable.
Six : Exploded View, Orlando : interesting song, sort of surreal.
Surfer : Low, Point Of Disgust : that’s a very pretty song, I like minimalist songs like this.
Tranny : MF Doom, Hoe Cakes : not my style, but it’s got some good rhythm.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Chienfantome »


Geezer : Jimmy Eat World, My Sundown : Nice listen, I'll probably forget about it but it was enjoyable.
John : Santigold, L.E.S. Artistes : I think I had already heard it, but not sure, anyway it's good.
Leestu : Foals, What Went Down : Solid song, I'll give it another go.
NSpan : Kimya Dawson, Same Shit / Complicated : Nice song, pretty fun to listen to.
Ron : NIN : not for me.
Screeners : Never heard of it, but I really liked that.
Shryke : Collective Soul, Better Now : Not a fan.
Six : Portishead, The Rip : Very good.
Surfer: Car Seat Headrest, Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales : Surprising, and good.
Trany : Thank You Scientist, In the Company of Worms : Not for me.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Chienfantome »


Geezer : Against Me!, Searching For a Former Clarity : Nice, liked that.
john : The Hot Toddies, Wet Dream : It was cute and fun indeed.
Leestu : Josh Pyke, Middle Of The Hill : not high on this, but alright.
NSpan : Black Mountain, Tyrants : Torn, bits I like, bits I don't.
Ron : The Scientist : I've really liked Coldplay at a point, I'm not into them at all anymore, but I still remember fondly of their first 2/3 albums, so I like this.
Screen : AWOLNATION, Sail : Nope.
Shryke : Keane, Somewhere Only We Know : I'm over this song now, but I used to love it. Still nice to listen to.
Six : Azealia Banks, 212 : not very familiar with Banks, but this is pretty good.
Surfer : Thee Oh Sees, The Dream : Alright, but not really something I'll listen to again.
Tranny : Banks, Gemini Feed : not bad.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »



Camille, Home Is Where It Hurts (2008)

Here’s another song a film made me discover. The film was Xavier Dolan’s “It’s just the end of the world”, and Camille’s song opens the film amazingly. It gets powerful as it progresses, and the more it goes, the more you want to turn up the volume. The song is mostly in English, but Camille is French.


The Mountain Goats, This Year (2005)

Okay, how's this for a discovery story: I only know about this song because it is referenced in another song from a band I recently featured. In The Hold Steady's "Girl's Like Status" (a brilliant song in its own right) there is a line that goes "It was Song Number 3 on John's last CD, gonna make it through this year if it kills me." So I got curious and looked up what he meant by that and it lead me to this song, which I adore even more than the one that referenced it. When folk music is done right, it can be so, so good. And I think that is the case here. The lyrics hit so close to home and the music is phenomenal. I have delved deeper into the Mountain Goats over time and while they have a couple other great tracks, the first one I ever heard still stands above the rest.


The Smithereens, Try (2000ish)

I'm cheating a bit by including this because it was released in October of '99, but the entire album was inspired by Y2K hysteria, so even though it didn't come out this millennium it was all about the apocalyptic fear surrounding the arrival of this millennium. Also, people often call London Calling the best album of the 80s even though it was released in late '79, so there's precedent. Also, I love this band, so to hell with your rules, man!

Also: The Age Of Innocence, The Last Good Time, Gloomy Sunday


Children Collide, Farewell Rocket Ship (2008)

This is from their excellent debut album The Long Now. I hear this album as a band trying to find their sound as each song seems to be influenced by slightly different variations of alt/indie guitar rock over the last ten years. They found their sound with the consistent (and very good) follow up album Theory Of Everything, but it’s the variety on this album that makes it my favourite of theirs, a top 10 of the year, and in my best of the decade chart. This particular track is their lo-fi indie rock influenced song, although the song itself is not lo-fi – just influenced by that style. I have just posted the song here but there is a really bad, cheesy, tacky B-movie style music video to this song that’s a bit of a laugh, but the song doesn’t even start until 3 or 4 minutes into the video.


Frank Black, Jaina Blues (2003)

Frank Black's solo output has far surpassed The Pixies in terms of content. And, of that content, the highs are HIGH. This is just one example of the types of sounds Black Francis is making in the 21st century.


50 Cent, In Da Club (2003)

There is distinct difference between this one and Shryke's linked music video. This has to be Fiddy's best song, probably his only good song.


Amy Shark, Adore (2016)

There is something poignant about Amy's writing and vocals that sets this apart from your average love song (as sort of a pop aficionado, I've heard plenty). This ode to the obsession and overprotectiveness love can bring you to sounds like something passed up by Alanis Morissette (which isn't a knock against either artist - in fact, the opposite entirely).


Pet Shop Boys, More Than a Dream (2008)

I’ve been a fan of PSB since the 80s. I still marvel at Neil Tennant’s voice, which hasn’t diminished in its silky smoothness since the days of “West End Girls”. The duo’s 2008 album Yes is, for me, one of the greatest records of the millennium, as it has THREE songs on this list (a fourth, “All Over the World”, just missed). There is also a fourth song from a different album on the list, meaning PSB has more songs in my Top 100 than any other artist. Chris Lowe's dancy synth groove makes this one of my faves – combine that with Tennant’s flawless voice and you have a song that’s great to listen to anywhere.


Protomartyr, Half-Sister (2018)

One of my favourite bands of the last decade. These Detroit guys have put out 4 incredible albums, fully of witty lyrics and incredible guitar work. This closes their latest album, and it pulls together the lyrical themes of the entire record, dealing with living in a world of lies and deceit, where wonder is culled, and we long for connection. Here, singer Joe Casey shouts about busy Romans ignoring prophets, and confused talking horses killed for saying something people didn’t like. But it’s the music that pulls you in, starting off doomy before exploding into something more epic.


Viet Cong, Silhouettes (2015)

Following the break up of Women (partly through sibling issues and finally by Chris Reimer's passing), it was great to see the band try and rebuild with the creation of Viet Cong (now Preoccupations following issues with their name causing gigs to fall through). Still maintaining everything that made Women so great for their short time, but balancing out the guitars with keyboards and synths, Silhouettes finds the band in wonderful Joy Division levels of icy atmospherics. It's a little scary, a little exciting and always intense.


Clutch, Cypress Grove (2004)

No disrespect to Shryke or anybody else that has featured radio-friendly hard rock acts on their lists, but bands like Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, Five Finger Death Punch and Shinedown don't adhere to my definition of the genre. When I think hard rock, I think of acts that bring a ton of energy to the table and have huge riffs at the forefront of their music-which I feel absolutely none of the aforementioned bands have ever accomplished. Clutch, on the other hand, to me is the epitome of hard rock. They've been writing massive, punchy tunes for nearly 30 years and at the rate they've been humming along, they'll probably do it for 30 more. Cypress Grove is my favorite thing they've ever produced and if you have a place in your heart for songs that are only concerned with delivering pure, vintage rock n' roll fury, this could very well delight you.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »

I need more songs from a lot of you.

I have:

Chien - through #70
Geezer - through #71
NSpan - through #71
Screen203 - through #71
Surfer - through #71
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by numbersix »

Pouncing on 72

Chien: Didn't really grab me. Maybe I need to watch it with the film
Geez: Not bad. I can see why you like them. They're like a stripped down version of the kind of music you normally enjoy!
John: DENIED! I think London Calling was released in the US in 1980 hence the claim. No excuses here. Also, I'm being petty because I didn't like the song!
Leetsu: Ah you've a soft spot for your fellow countrymen. This was a bit indistinct for me. Hope this means you've loads of Nick Cave coming up!
NSpan: Some nifty guitar work going on here. But it's hard to love this because it just reminds me of how great the Pixies were. Emphasis on were.
Ron B: Is this different to Shryke's version? Either way, still like it.
Screen: Was a little nondescript for me.
Shryke: I think we're all guilty of clinging on to the later careers of bands we love. Didn't do much for me.
Surf: Love this track. One of the highlights of Viet Cong's/Preoccupation's debut. Didn't know they came from the ashes of Women. But it makes sense. Also, nice placing, as they're good pals with Protomartyr and have even covered each other's songs.
Clutch: Nice and retro. There's a bar near me that's all about 60s and 70s psyche and hard rock. This would fit in here nicely.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by JohnErle »

numbersix wrote:
March 6th, 2020, 1:00 pm

John: DENIED! I think London Calling was released in the US in 1980 hence the claim. No excuses here. Also, I'm being petty because I didn't like the song!
I got you to listen to it didn't I? ANARCHY!

It's not like a band releases an album in October and then stops touring or releasing singles on December 31st, so an album continues to be relevant and fresh for at least as long as the tour is active or singles are still being released. Keep this in mind the next time I cheat.

It was so hard to pick just one track from that album and I'm still not convinced I picked my favourite, which is why I keep including the "Also:" picks in the footnote for bands that had several tracks in contention. Especially when it's a band I love like the 'Reens.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »


Ron B - In Da Club - This is on my list, so obviously I love it. (For those wondering, this is the unedited version - not radio friendly). 9.5/10

Geezer - This Year - Catchy little song. Didn't even think of it as folk. Nice choice. 7/10

Surfer - Silhouettes - How many bands are/were out there trying to sound like Joy Division? Seriously? Anyway, this was good. 7/10

Screen203 - Adore - Not familiar with Amy Shark, but I like her sound. Totally get the Alanis comparison. 6.5/10

Chien - Home Is Where It Hurts - I liked it. Not sure I'd want to listen repeatedly, but goof for a first listen. 6/10

Leestu - Farewell Rocket Ship - Interesting song. Kinda sounds like something Weezer might have put out in the 90s. Take that however you want. 6/10

Transformers - Cypress Grove - I like Neil Fallon's voice, but this song just didn't click with me. 5.5/10

JohnErle - Try - *grumble grumble* Just don't make a habit out of thumbing your nose at our sacrosanct rules, JE. :evil: The song itself didn't do much for me, and I quite like a lot of The Smithereens' early stuff ("Blood and Roses", especially). 5/10

NSpan - Jaina Blues - Frank Black is very hit or miss with me. This was a hard miss. Give me "Los Angeles". 4/10

Six- Half-Sister - Didn't care for it. 4/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Leestu »

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Leestu »

Great playlist today with a bit of a blues rock vibe.

The Awesome

Amy Shark, Adore - there is such charming, naive, simplicity to this song that it doesn't matter that the lyrics are totally unrelatable to a 50 year old man...a family favourite and one of the songs that my wife plays on guitar

The Excellent

Viet Cong, Silhouettes - one of my favourite albums of the many great songs on this album and I have one coming up next month

Frank Black, Jaina Blues - first listen...I need to hear more Frank Black..he sounds like he is having so much fun here with a warped take on maybe a bluesy Rolling Stones type of song?...going to see Pixies live very soon, playing Surfer Rosa & Come On Pilgrim!

The Great

Protomartyr, Half-Sister - great song writing, great second favourite song on the album so I hope there's another one to come?

The Smithereens, Try - first listen...that's gotta be one of the better songs of theirs I've heard...really liked the bluesy vibe, cool trumpet solo, and that voice!

Clutch, Cypress Grove - first listen...yes I was delighted with the vintage rock n' roll fury

50 Cent, In Da Club - still an entertaining song

The Very Good

Camille, Home Is Where It Hurts - first listen...had an interesting, atmospheric, artiness to it

The Good

The Mountain Goats, This Year - I like his storytelling indie folk, and his rough voice...good album

The Meh

Pet Shop Boys, More Than a Dream - first listen...I preferred when Pet Shop Boys were setting the scene, instead of following the scene

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Ron Burgundy »


Leestu - Farewell Rocketship - I had another song from the same album, so yeah, i like it. 6.5/10

NSPAN - Jaina Blues - FL. Didnt play, and only found Frank Black and the Catholics, hope its the same, it was decent, still not the pixies though. 5.5/10

Screen - Adore - Oh so this is who does this song. Its not bad. 5/10

Tranny - Cypress Grove - Pretty punchy, almost a little bit tame though. 5/10

JohnE - Try - Cheater!! I also love plenty of stuff from the 90s. No rating or comments from me.

Chien - Home is Where it Hurts - FL. Not bad at all. 6/10

Geezer - Another song i know of, its pretty good. And im not a huge folk fan. 6/10

Surf - Silhouettes - FL2. On the first listen i wasn't sure, but most often the 2nd (or 20th) listen the music gets better. It got better. 5.5/10

Six - Half-Sister - FL2. I don't know where you find your music man, half of the stuff ive never heard of, but its rarely bad, which makes me scratch my head, why isn't the stuff my well known, or is it just me? This was pretty good. 6/10

Shryke - More than a Dream - FL. This sounds like it belongs in another decade. I kinda like it. 5.5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #80-71

Post by Shrykespeare »

bumped to next page
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