Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #20-11

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #20-11

Post by transformers2 »

Was going to hold off on commenting until the countdown was over, but I'm on an Idles kick at the moment and feel very compelled to give my take on Colossus :lol: . I'm somewhere between surfer and leestu/six when it comes to that song. Initially, I thought it was a bit of an odd choice for an opener given that it's so long and the rest of the record is a lot more in-your-face, but it's grown on me significantly over the past couple months. The subtle buildup in tempo throughout the song is very well-executed and the explosion during the last 90 seconds is one hell of a payoff. Right now, it's my 4th favorite track on Joy as Act of Resistance behind Never Fight a Man with a Perm, I'm Scum and Samaritans and probably at about #7 or 8 for their entire catalog.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #20-11

Post by Shrykespeare »


Six - Cashmere Pullover Day - Very pleasant. I think I liked it better than that last time it appeared.

Surfer - Float On - That's, what, FOUR times now? Sweet Jeebus. I'll admit, it's good. There's a David Byrne-ian quality to the music, and the singalong part is undeniable. I'll never love it as much as y'all, but if this is what turns out to be our collective Favorite Song of the millennium, I accept it. 6.5/10

Chien - Fistful of Love - Interesting. Has a timeless quality to it that I enjoy, like a hark back to classic Motown. 6.5/10

NSpan - Used to Think - I thought I might love this (but I don't), then reasoned that I'll likely never become a big Pillowfight fan (but I could be...) 6/10

Tranny - The Dead Sea - I fully enjoyed 80% of this song. You can probably guess which 80%. 6/10

Geezer - We Did It All For Don - Sorry, dude, this song didn't really do anything for me. 5.5/10

Screen - Ghost - Very meh. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood. 5.5/10

JohnErle - This was just weird. Sounded like something from a Tim Burton musical. 5/10

Leestu - Colossus - I found this intensely grating. Not for me at all. 4.5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #20-11

Post by JohnErle »


I'm pressed for time, so I have nothing new or clever to say about Float On, Colossus, Screen's pop divas or Tranny's screamin' demons.

Antony & The Johnsons – This is the best piece of music I've ever heard from them, but I'm still not a fan of the singer.

Against Me! - Again, this era doesn't do much for me.

Moby – I kinda liked it, so better than most Moby for me. ADDED.

Sufjan – A beautiful song from a wonderful album. I wish I'd thought of Cashmere Pullover Day.

Pillowfight – Have we heard the entire album by now or do you have some 12” remixes coming? A lot of stuff from this album went in one ear and out the other, but I liked this one. ADDED.

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