Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by silversurfer19 »

Round 4

Banks, Alicia Keys - Slick vocals, thats about it though.

JohnErle, Sparks - Music was ok. Vocals way over the top.

Leestu, Porridge Radio - Great song from a very good album. And the video is awesome on the scale of rock n roll videos. I mean, lighting a match with her damn guitar!

Ron, King Princess - Bouncy, if forgettable.

Screen, Lewis Capaldi - Sacharine tripe.

Shryke, Cannons - I know this, not sure if its already been listed or just heard it. Nice though, enjoyed the 80s synths mixed with early 2000s style.

Six, Public Practice - Great minds think alike! This song is so infectious, can't help but dance along.

Transformers, The Weeknd - Even his vocals can't save this one, it was abrasive.

Undeadmonkey, Seeed - Really not my style.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by transformers2 »

Banks: A pleasant ballad elevated significantly by Sampha's always welcome presence.

John: Shit, this is even quirkier than their prior songs.

Leestu: Impressively raw, anxious and angry tune. Very much enjoyed it.

Ron: Still kind of jarring to see King Princess head into a dancier direction, but her voice sounds great over this type of production and she does a good job of spicing up her shift to a more straightforward pop sound by not forgetting her melancholic roots.

Screen: Basically just dollar store Harry Styles.

Shryke: Very, very dull

Six: What a change of pace for you. Not confident if I'll revisit it, but it's an admirably energetic and relatively catchy take on new wave.

Surfer: Vocals were a mixed bag, but the bass grove and guitarwork were good enough to make it worthwhile.

UDM: Can't tell you the last time I was so fucking confused listening to a song and in a weird way, it was kind of exhilarating. Hope there's more brain breakers coming up in your final 3 picks.
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Sorry this is late. Been waiting for Screen. Will in his song when he sends it.



The Weeknd, In Your Eyes

One of the biggest songs of the year in the country, and it deserved every accolade it got. Hell, it propelled The Weeknd into the Super Bowl.


Sparks, Lawnmower

This infectious earworm is a great example of how Sparks have experimented with simplicity and repetition since their game-changing album 'Lil Beethoven.


Fuzz, End Returning

Ty Segall always seems to have a few side projects going (he takes a back seat on this one playing the drums, while they all seem to share the vocal duties from what I can tell), and Fuzz is one of the most consistent of those with three albums in seven years, all of which are great. On each of those three albums they save the best to last with the closing track always the highlight of the album. I still remember the first time I heard this song and one minute into it I just had to turn the volume up. Then at the four-minute mark I wanted to turn it up even more, but it was already at max. It is just that sort of song that must be listened to loud.


Childish Gambino feat. Ariana Grande, Time


Tiesto and Mabel, God is a Dancer


Volbeat, Leviathan

Remember once upon a time
Nobody loved you more than I
Our secret place is in danger
Wake up king of the creatures
Outside my window I can see
The ocean where you used to be
Horns that sprout out from your head
A glowing light near the surface

Before JohnErle accuses me of cheating, I’ll stipulate that this song did not, in fact, hit the Billboard charts until early 2020, which is when I heard this song for the first time. As for the song… well, what can I say? I love Michael Poulson’s voice, the rock guitars, the lyrics, all of it. I don’t know if they’re the biggest band to ever come out of Denmark, but they gotta be up near the top if not.

Album: Rewind, Replay, Rebound
Other great song: Last Day Under the Sun, Rewind the Exit, Maybe I Believe


Porridge Radio, Homecoming Song

And we’re back to the misery again. I’ve already explained my misery-loves-company response to Porridge Radio’s incredible second album. This is the closing track, and its most intense, sounding like The Cure at their peak. I love how singer Dana Margolin refuses to hide behind cerebral or complex lyrics, instead repeating the same line about how “there’s nothing inside” like a mantra to her misery. I know how you feel, Dana.


Crack Cloud, Post Truth

Up until last summer, I was aware of Crack Cloud via their s/t compilation debut and in particular, the excellent Drab Measure. However, it wasn't until I witnessed them (and their offshoot Novel) in their live form that I became totally enamoured in them. A group of 7 members, but who at times sound much more than that, the collective evoked an army of sorts, trumpeting their arrival on stage and then commanding such a tour de force that it became intoxicating to watch. That experience seemed to have finally been captured on record with their follow up, Pain Olympics. Labelled post-punk, but really they are too diverse to put in a box, as opening track Post Truth emphasises, traversing genres such as jazz, chamber pop, hip hop and punk with ease. The band, led by drummer Zach Choy's propulsive beats, are a cathartic experience, possibly due to their formation as a kind of mental health and addiction recovery programme, and by the song's climax, you feel yourself like you have experienced some kind of cathartic release.


Bring Me the Horizon feat. BABYMETAL, Kingslayer

Here's a piece of unpredictable, apocalyptic chaos that surfaced in 2020 that was actually GOOD!!!! Vocalist Oli Sykes dusts off the death growls that he hasn't used since BMTH's debut 2006 LP, Japanese metal duo BABYMETAL delivers a frenzied pop hook/opening half of the second verse and video game composer Mick Gordon-best known for his work on the recent Doom games-shows up to drop some frantic synths that really drive the whirlwind nature of the entire track.


Hauser. Adagio for Strings

I get classical isn't for everyone, but I've gotten more and more into it lately. It's amazing and the artistry is so difficult and realizing it takes years to get anywhere near this level helps me appreciate it even more.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by JohnErle »

I listened to this round in reverse, because I'm wacky that way.

Hauser – I liked it more than the last one you posted from this guy, but it was still a little lightweight. I usually like a deeper, more ominous sound in my cello music.

Kingslayer – It was more interesting than 98% of your metal picks, and it did a few things I wasn't expecting, but I'll never be able to get past the unintentionally silly demon voices.

Crack Cloud – That one was interesting, and full of surprises. Definitely worth another listen. ADDED

Porridge Radio – Like I Don't Belong, there's too much of a hypnotic groove here for it to be a downer. If anything, it's cathartic. ADDED

Volbeat – I've heard of these guys somewhere, maybe from this forum. The music was very catchy 80s hair metal – I heard a lot of Poison in those guitars -- but the production is pure 2020, so it's way too flat and compressed to soar like hair metal should.

Lewis Capaldi – Isn't this the same song from this guy? If not, they both sound like something from Doctor Who Nepotism Idol.

Childish Gambino – That was better than anything featuring Ariana Grande deserves to be. It had a bit of an early 80s Peter Gabriel/Pete Townsend vibe, but I still think Donnie G's a hopelessly weak singer. Maybe he should be a producer for people who can actually sing, and I don't mean Ariana Grande.

Fuzz – That may be the most boring, lifeless, flat and dreary production I've ever heard. If you kept turning it up, that's because this level of compression sounds atrocious at a reasonable volume, so cranking it to the max is the only way to get anything resembling dynamics. As for the song, there were some decent 70s riffs in there, but I was so annoyed by the production I barely paid attention.

Weeknd – See the comments on Fuzz and Volbeat. Nice retro music, bad modern production.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by numbersix »


Banks: Looks like The Weeknd is joining the Holy Trinity of RtJ and Dua Lipa. This was okay.

John: I've disagreed with the others' criticisms of these Sparks songs being silly or theatrical or whatever, although with this song I think Sparks are guilty of being irritating in their quirkiness. Much prefer it when they're shouting at iPhone users.

Leetsu: A decent album, like most of Segall's prolific output, although rarely exceptional. This song almost loses me until it gets loud and heavy, and then it works.

Ron B: It was listenable, not much more.

Shryke: This sounds like the kind of soft-rock you'd hear more often in the 90s. This song should be sent back there, never to return.

Surf: Excellent opener to one of my favourite albums of 2020. I love the way this song twists and turns. I too saw them live, they were supporting a much weaker band, and was hooked from there. hoping to see them at a music festival in London in September, COVID depending.

Tranny: considering the weird combination of acts, I was expecting something a bit more original, but musically it was pretty conservative.

UDM: Great track... from 1938! It is beautiful and moving though. I think I put it in my 100 songs of all time. And of course it featured in film, most notably in Platoon but most movingly at the end of The Elephant Man. I foudn this version pushed the melodrama a little too much but it's a lovely piece of classical music.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by transformers2 »

Banks: Another crossover!!!! One of The Weeknd's best pure pop songs to date.

John: Well Sparks has finally pushed me from indifference towards their quirkiness to full blown hatred with this wretched spawn. Quite possibly the most painful 4 minutes of music I've been exposed to during this countdown that didn't involve the Fleet Foxes.

Leestu: Damn, this was great. That relatively heavy/fast explosion at 4 minutes was a very unexpected surprise and the rest of it was a delightfully hazy concoction with some terrific guitarwork.

Ron: I'm going to have to go back and listen to this record because both this and the song Banks picked here earlier are delightfully odd, nutty and generally interesting.

Shryke: Volbeat just doesn't have the juice that they did during their early days when their music was both heavier and more rockabilly. This is just a middling hard rock song with a flat hook that can't be bailed out by its decent main riff.

Six: Well it was certainly appropriately cold and distant, but the repetition made it a pretty mundane listen.

Surfer: Even those goofy vocals couldn't derail the immense, winding sound of this.

UDM: I've gotten into a lot of genres I never expected as I've gotten older, but classical isn't among them. Every time I listen to it I fell like I'm at a fancy art gallery or restaurant where I'm noticeably out of place-which is probably why my low class ass tapped out after 4 minutes of this :lol:
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by silversurfer19 »

Round 3

Banks, The Weeknd - Has this been played here before? I'm familiar with it and it's nice, very much embracing 80s synth pop to its fullest.

JohnErle, Sparks - This was fun. The vocals don't grate and it is simple nut infectious. Enjoyed that.

Leestu, Fuzz - I listened to the album a little last year, and while it does contain many of the hallmarks of Segall's work, I have always found Fuzz miss a little spark (maybe they need to speak with your friend above, he is overloaded with Sparks). Like the album, this song has its moments, but ultimately falls a little flat. Generally preferred the opener and Spit to this.

Ron, Childish Gambino - Didn't really stand out in any way really, even after a couple if listens. Kinda forgettable.

Screen, Lewis Capaldi - Insufferable.

Shryke, Volbeat - Never been a fan of hair metal and this was not an improvement on the genre in the 21st century.

Six, Porridge Radio - Great build up and at times indeed very intense, but I kind of feel it lacks that explosive finish. Not my favourite from the album, really.

Transformers, Bring Me The Horizon - Not usually something I would delve into, but it certainly kept me guessing with the additional contributions. Better than most death metal on the countdown thus far.

Undeadmonkey, Hauser - The diversity of the forum in 2 songs played next to one another! Quite the contrast to tranny's aggression, but this was like a nice palette cleanser. Pleasant without ever really grabbing me, its good background music for a good read.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by Shrykespeare »


Banks - Weeknd - This was good. Particularly liked the horns. But "In Your Eyes" for me will be a title that eternally belongs to Peter Gabriel.

JohnErle - Sparks - Sounds like a Sesame Street song.

Leestu - Fuzz - Not for me.

Ron B - Childish Gambino & Ariana - Didn't expect much, got a little more.

Screen - Lewis Capaldi - Huh. Twice in a week. Still don't love it. Too treacly for me.

Six - Porridge Radio - One of the most tedious pieces of music I've ever listened to.

Surfer - Crack Cloud - Very weird. Sounded like it belonged on the soundtrack of a 60's sci-fi B movie.

Tranny - BMTH - I do like quite of bit of BMTH. This one included.

UDM - Hauser - Yawn-inducing, but not unpleasant.
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by JohnErle »

Surfer liked Lawnmower? Consider my mind blown. The only way I could be more shocked is if Tranny had liked it.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by Shrykespeare »

Still waiting on Screen to send his #3 and #2. I goofed and put Lewis Capaldi in his #3 spot when he already had it at #4.

The penultimate song on our lists!



Mothica, Crash

Sick of her yet? Because I'm not. This was the emotional closer to her debut EP and cemented her as maybe my favorite artist of 2020.


Sparks, Pacific Standard Time

Probably the most accessible song on the album, and one of the best. This ode to their native California is blissful, classic pop in the Brian Wilson sense.


IDLES, Model Village

Transformers chose this song at #41 and featured the official video (directed by Michel Gondry and Olivier Gondry) so here is a live performance of this song. IDLES are at their best performing live (their Glastonbury performance is one of, if not the best, live shows by anyone that I have watched on youtube) and KEXP live performances are always hiqh quality and worth watching.


The Avalanches feat. Rivers Cuomo & Piink Siifu, Running Red Lights


Meg Myers, Adelaide


The Birthday Massacre, The Sky Will Turn

And as trapped as we are
It's the devil we know
The exceptions we make
Will never be shown
To the rest of the world
What we touch turns to gold
For a moment, we freeze but

If ever there's a full moon breaking
It's painting our faces
We won't know (won't know)
Which way (which way)
The sky will turn
We're at the blood eclipse
And we can't look away
It's like a car crash burning
At the edge of the earth

This was the song that introduced me to this Canadian band, despite it being their eighth album since 2002. I think I played it twenty times that day, and I was convinced it would be my #1 song of the year until my ACTUAL #1 song came out… and honestly, the two songs went back and forth, vying for domination for months, until very recently. You all know my adoration for synths so powerful they should be played in a cathedral, and of gothic yet poetic lyrics sung by female singers. Not since Lush in the early 90s has a female-led band come along and ripped me up root and stem the says TBM has. Though I already know most of you will “meh” this away after my previous choices from this album, I hope you’ll at least listen all the way through.

Album: Diamonds
Other great tracks: Crush (#9), Flashback (#21), Run (#32), The Last Goodbye


Yves Tumor, Gospel for a New Century

Mr Tumor is pretty impressive in his music literacy. He takes a lot of varied influences and manages to ball them up into something that sounds not just cohesive, but smart AND catchy. There’s some Prince, there’s some prog, pop, indie, even hip-hop in the use of horn samples used like punches. But it’s the incredible bass groove that carries the song and makes it smooth as cool as fuck.


Porridge Radio, Sweet

While Dana Margolin's first record introduced me to her evolving post-punk sound of emotional fury wrapped up in pop melodies, the band's follow up was a huge step up in their craft. It feels like the culmination of what Margolin had been working on over the past few years, as all her ambition for the project is realised in grand, sweeping fashion, leaving you emotionally drained yet somehow exuberant simultaneously. Embracing existential dread in soul cleansing proportions, Sweet narrates a specifically feminine dynamic, sending up the self-hating expectations so often placed on young women, incinerating them to ash. Part Polly Jean, part Nick Cave, part Sonic Youth, this is bood boiling stuff at its finest.


Rina Sawayama, XS

This below quote from Sawayama clearly lays out her inspiration and mission statement for "XS" and given how catchy, playful and occasionally sinister the finished product is, I believe her execution was flawless.

"Given that we all know global climate change is accelerating and human extinction is a very real possibility within our lifetime it seemed hilarious to me that brands were still coming out with new makeup palettes every month and public figures were doing a gigantic house tour of their gated property in Calabasas in the same week as doing a ‘sad about Australian wild fires’ Instagram post. I mean I’m guilty of turning a blind eye too, because otherwise it makes me depressed. We’re all hypocrites because we are all capitalists, and it’s a trap that I don’t see us getting out of. I wanted to reflect the chaos of this post-truth climate change denying world in the metal guitar stabs that flare up like an underlying zit between the 2000s R&B beat that reminds you of a time when everything was alright."


Ed Sheeran & Andrea Bocelli, Perfect Symphony

Guess if you don't like Ed or Andrea, you really won’t like this. but i did and do.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by JohnErle »

Round 2

There were a lot of repeated tracks and artists this round, but I gave everything a fair shake since we're so close to the top, and I'm pretty guilty of repeating artists myself.

Mothica – Better than average for the genre. I could have done without the spoken word bit, or it is a sample? ADDED, just in case it grows on me.

Model Village – Still doesn't work for me, and the lyrical reference to Rose Garden is still bizarre.

Avalanches – I assume these are the same Avalanches who did Frontier Psychiatrist, so it's nice to know they're still a going concern, but it didn't do much for me.

The Birthday Mehssacre – You must be psychic. My reaction was, indeed, meh. It's perhaps slightly less meh than the previous tracks, but still not for me.

Yves Tumor – Still great.

Porridge Radio – The loud/quiet/loud trick is overused, and the lyrics are rather presumptuous. I can't speak for whoever she's obsessing over, but I neither love nor like this.

Rina – Better than I expected, but the production doesn't appeal to me at all.

Ed Sheeran & Andrea Bocelli – It's surprisingly tolerable, but a bit too maudlin for me. I liked the Bocelli section much better because I prefer his voice and I could pretend the lyrics were more interesting than Sheeran's lowest common denominator ballads.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by Shrykespeare »

I have added Screen's #3 and #2 songs above.
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by Ron Burgundy »

Been checking in here and there, but probably should give some feedback, here 'tis

Six, Yves Tour - 6/10, its got some interesting instruments but overall it falls a touch flat for me, not really a fan of Prince

Surf, Porridge Radio - 3.5/10, it starts off as if there has been several suicides in the room, not for me

Trandog, Rina - 7/10, pretty bloody catchy, at first i wasn't sure, but i have heard this a lot of times. Interesting comments from her as well, shes not wrong

UDM, Ed and Bocci - 2/10, Can i just say, for the record, i dont like a single Ed Sheeran song, he is so fantastically over rated, so saccharine it makes me want to vomit, this is also - terrible, it does get better when Bocelli chimes in though

Shryke, Biorthday - 6/10, Wasnt sure at first, but i kinda liked this one

Screen, Meg - 6.5/10, It grew on me, even if i didnt want it to, spose ill have to watch out for Meg Myers

Leestu, Idles - 8/10, christ! This blew me away with its energy and powah! A band i should start listening to, when i start listening to music again. Reminder: we really ought to catch up for a footy game this year, on tele is fine.

Johnerle, Sparks - 6.5/10, I liked it, after the 2nd listen, your musical taste is very folksy isn't it john? No compression here ;)

Banks, Mothica - 5/10, Not bad, not great imo, wouldn't seek it out but wouldn't turn it off
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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by numbersix »

Final Round!

Mothica: Didn't do much for me

John: If this was the only Sparks song you posted, I'd have been mildly underwhelmed. But in the context of the other songs, this works really well as something more conventional and poppy. Must get this album.

Leetsu: Definitely one of the better songs from the album, absorbing a bit of early 2000s rock and roll revival (e.g. The strokes). I'm due to see them live in January. Fingers crossed that happens.

Ron B: Very nice to listen to

Screen: I think I preferred the previous song by hers you posted. This felt like wannabe Alanis

Shryke: Still got that gothy vibe, albiet with a lot of gloss.

Surf: Excellent and earnest song.

Tranny: With such a great description I was expecting a more distinct song, but all the elements kind of cancelled each other out.

UDM: I once had a pizza with mozzerella, cheddar, gruyere, fontina, and parmigiano, and it still wasn't as cheesy as this song.

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Re: Top 50 Songs of 2020 (10-2)

Post by Leestu »


another great odd numbered round!

Surfer: Crack Cloud, Post Truth - that was excellent. Loved the way it kept taking me by surprise and going in directions and places I did not expect...I think I'm gonna love this album when I get around to it

Six: Porridge Radio, Homecoming Song - Great closer to the album, definitely in my top handful of songs from the album. Love the way it builds quickly without drawing it out, and then just ends once it's made its point without needlessly hanging around. Great song to finish on, especially coming straight after the breather that is the shoegaze influenced (Something). That's one of the things that makes this album a top five of the year for me - every song in it's right place.

Transformers: Bring Me the Horizon feat. BABYMETAL, Kingslayer - great collab that seems to bring out the best of both bands and ends up being a lot of heavy fun

John: Sparks, Lawnmower - I have a bit of a soft spot for infectious, silly fun, catchy song like this...I used to have a lawnmower like the one at the start of the video - they are hard work!

Ron: Childish Gambino feat. Ariana Grande, Time - Not one of my favourites from the album, and I didn't even realise it was Ariana Grande featuring on this song. Still a good song though, just the album has a lot of more interesting and experimental songs on it. Love the Prince influence both on this song and throughout the album though.

UDM: Hauser. Adagio for Strings - A beautiful piece of music, happy to listen to it

Shryke: Volbeat, Leviathan - its good to get a rocking song in between your synthpop songs every now and again...I don't mind songs like this, the riffs and beat and guitar solos are all enjoyable, they just need a better chorus (at least on this song - I don't know enough about them to know otherwise), its a bit lifeless and anti-climactic

Banks: The Weeknd, In Your Eyes - I can't remember what I have and haven't said about The Weeknd so I might be repeating myself a bit but I admit they are quality, if a bit over rated, (although not by the Grammys - even I think they should have been at least nominated), just not to my taste. Maybe because I lived through the '80s and they are revisiting the type of 80s music I never really got into except for the best of the best. This song is the perfect example of everything I just said. Most of my family love it though so it's not through a lack of familiarity - it has been given every chance to really grow on me and impress me.

Screen: Tiesto and Mabel, God is a Dancer - I'm sure I've heard this before, probably on one of my son's's the sort of song that probably serves its purpose on a dancefloor but nothing interesting or unique enough for me to bother to find out who it is or play it again

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