Top 25 Songs of 2023

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by Leestu »


Botticelli Baby totally worked for me. I'm adding this song and might listen to more...and I've been listening to my DJ a bit. Probably the most effective spotify curated feature for introducing new songs blended with familiar ones and catered to taste so well

I like both JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown but the album didn't work for me. This song is okay though

Janelle Monae is not for me but I can see the appeal in this song.
Asking For It by Mhaol is my favourite from the album but it was a 2021 single and I am music nerd pedantic with my lists :ugeek:

Eraser by Sweeping Promises is growing on me

I liked the Gorilla video more than the song


I liked the Dougie Poole song. Vocals were good

I haven't heard the Foo Fighters song before...I feel it

I found the Mitski album too mopeski...even this song sounds sad to me

Never really clicked with Screaming Females, not sure why

I lost interest in the 070 Shake song pretty quickly


I liked how short the S.G. Goodman song was

With so much going on in the Callous Daoboys song there were parts I liked (mainly musically but not always) and parts I didn't (mainly vocally but not always)

I liked this JPEGMAFIA song more

The Sparklehore is song is great. I love Sparklehorse and didn't realise they had fixed up an unreleased album and put it out. Might have to give it a listen

I am keeping my ears on The Last Dinner Party. I really liked Lady of Mercy and see the potential. Their new one Caesar on a TV Screen may be their best so far. Good song!

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by numbersix »



Sparks: The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte

You know you're on a hot streak when Cate Blanchett agrees to be the dancing girl in your music video. She even showed up in the same outfit when Sparks played Glastonbury last year.

Lyrically, this is hardly Ron Mael's best effort, but that synth riff is sick.


Parannoul: Arrival

This is my favourite song from one of my favourite albums of 2023 from this South Korean shoegaze artist. He always has interesting song structures and atmospherics that keep him more interesting than most shoegaze


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: Witchcraft

As I mentioned earlier, King GIzz's "PetroDragonic Apocalypse" works so well because it perfectly blends together thrash, stoner and prog to make really the ultimate cocktail of their metal and broader musical impulses and influences. "Witchcraft" is the track where that formula yields the finest returns and it results in 5 minutes of pure sonic bliss.


PJ Harvey: I inside the Old I Dying

The release of a new PJ Harvey is always a major event for me. Her new record was deeply subdued, perhaps even half-baked on a first listen, but as a single experience more than the sum of its parts: it’s eerie, misty, and fascinating, like some of Kate Bush’s moodier pieces. Hearing these tracks live did make them come, well, alive, and this stood out as a beautiful, slightly melancholic number.


Washer: King Insignificant


Little Simz: Gorilla


Hoshi: Mauvais rêve

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by JohnErle »

PJ Harvey – It started off well until the shrill vocals kicked in. And why is she singing about the “chunky children of Evermore?” Fat shaming is not cool, PJ Harvey.

Little Simz – The use of horns and jazzy stand-up bass was interesting, but the vocals were a hard no.

Heartwormz – After a promising start, it turned into something that Shryke probably would have hated. I also occasionally thought about Patrick when certain songs came up as I was going through my list. I doubt he would have liked many of my picks, but possibly The New Pornos or Blur. At one point I even googled what Joywave were up to and discovered that they have a couple of songs on an upcoming Star Wars video game, which sounds about right. I guess Shryke wasn't their only fan, but maybe their biggest.

I didn't like any of the rest, and I'll leave it at that. I don't have time to craft grade-A snark, and I'd hate to half-ass it. I respect the snark too much to do that.

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by transformers2 »

John: Well, you were right, I was indeed not a fan. That being said, it wasn't a tortuous listen at all.

Leestu: There's some cool, bouncy stuff going on instrumentally here, but their spoken word-adjacent vocals continue to drive me absolutely bananas.

six: A completely respectable throwback to the days where gothic dance-punk was among the UK's chief exports.

surfer: Ooof, this was a rough listen.

Ron: Just far too clubby for my square ass.
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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by transformers2 »

John: Yep, still not a fan of Sparks. Cate Blanchett's goofy dancing was very entertaining though!

Leestu: The hype around Parannoul has been building steadily over the past few years and it's easy to see why. This is some of the most well-written, transfixing shoegaze I've ever heard. The transition from the quiet, ethereal section to the noisy explosion around the halfway mark is downright masterful.

six: Don't usually click with Harvey's stuff, but this was pretty and atmospheric.

surfer: It was game over as soon as the singer opened his mouth and that midwestern Kermit the Frog-ass voice came out.

Ron: Didn't know Simz dropped anything new last year. This was solid and abstract as per usual with her.
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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by numbersix »



Yo La Tengo: Fallout

The elder statesmen of indie rock are still out there showing the kids how it's done.


shame: Adderall

My favourite album of 2023


Veil of Maya: Red Fur

As a longtime time of Illinois metal outfit Veil of Maya, it was a real treat to hear them make a track that so skillfully combines the punishing deathcore sound of their early days with the hooky melodic metalcore sensibilities they've embraced over the past decade or so. The level of compression also runs the risk of causing John to suffer a brutal case of disgust-driven nausea.


Noname: Namesake

Noname’s famed bitterness is at a peak here, as she tears down rappers (including Kendrick, which is a big risk) who feed into the military industrial complex just for a bit of fame, but then turns it on herself too, realising she’s far from pure. And all to a catchy-as-hell double-bass and drum combo.


BDRMM: It's Just A Bit Of Blood


Nothing But Thieves: Tomorrow Is Closed


The National: Once upon a Poolside

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by numbersix »

4 and 3

John: Love that Sparks song, especially the synth sound. It's almost, dare I say it, post-punk. As for the lyrics, I quite enjoy their ability to find something very simple and observant and repeat it until it burrows into your brain. And now as I pay attention as I stroll past London's cafes, I've started to notice that there are, in fact, too many people crying into their lattes. Also liked the YLT track, again for its fuzzy noise. Their best in a long time.

Leetsu: It's probably culturally insensitive to say this, but Parannoul remind me of the Japanese post-rock act Mono, in that both have interesting elements but can be a little saccharine at times. I really love Shame's new sound, even if it did take some time to get used to. Adderal is an excellent, strangely anthemic, track.

Transformers: That was pretty decent King Gizzard. As for Veil of Maya, let me take John's place and express my disgust. They opening few seconds were good, but it quickly devolved into nu-metal rot.

Surf: Washer reminded me of Pile's singer, and so I liked it. And really loved BDRMM's track, which was sort of a cross between Radiohead and MBV. I must listen more to their new album.

Ron: Tempted to disqualify you as Gorilla is from 2022, appearing on her surprise drop No Thank You. But, not only did the song really make a mark last year, it's also damn good, so you get away with it this time. Nothing But Thieves is too poppy for me.

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by numbersix »


Chien has joined the countdown, and his #4 and #3 tracks have been added

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by JohnErle »

Welcome aboard, Chien.

I liked the bells and simple beat of Hoshi, but not the rapping or French Billie Eilish fashion choices.

Adderal was decent, but nothing mind-blowing.

Veil Of Maya Angelou – The intro sounded downright clubby, so I thought I'd accidentally clicked on one of Ron's picks, but then the guitars kicked in and I know I was in Tranny's world. Compression is the least of this song's problems.

Namesake – Interesting music, but again with the rapping.

BDRRM – To quote James Murphy, this just sounds like “borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered 80s.”

Nothing But Thieves – Pretty generic pop to my ears.

The National – I like them sometimes, and liked other stuff of theirs from 2023, but this is getting dangerously close to Coldplay or Keane.

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by numbersix »



David Wax Museum: Best Lover

"Never had a chance to see
If this love existed
Never had a chance for things
To get ugly and twisted
Held on to the fantasy
Of what could have been"

That's an interesting lyric coming from a band whose core members are a husband and wife duo who, based on this infectious video, still have a very happy marriage after decades together. Also, this is the best use of church bells in a pop song since Naked Eyes covered Always Something There To Remind Me.


Cory Hanson: I Can’t Keep My Eyes Open

When a B-side to a single that shares the title of the album but didn’t make the cut for the album is better than anything from that album even though that album is one of your favourite albums of the year


JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown: Fentanyl Tester

Pairing a heavily sped-up, distorted sample of "Milkshake" by Kelis with a cyclone of punchy synths, "Fentanyl Tester" perfectly embodies the raw, two friends dicking around with a 90's-era Roland sampling machine in a bedroom or garage vibe that makes JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown's musical partnership so endearing.


Shame: Orchid

The British band's 3rd album was a bit of a surprise, moving away from post-punk to a sound that embraced grunge and late 80s/early 90s college rock. But their sincerity remained, as the album is a college of songs about friendships, rather than lovers of politics of whatever. Orchid, led by acoustic guitar, is as musically powerful as it is lyrically earnest.


Yo La Tengo: Fallout


Omar Apollo: Ice Slippin


Chilly Gonzales: French Kiss

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by numbersix »

I'll slot Chien's #1 on Feb 3rd and mine on the 4th.


John: Cute and sweet song, and the video helped immensely.

Leetsu: I kind of see why this was a b-side (didn't know they exist anymore) and not on the album. It was an okay dose of 90s style indie rock.

Tranny: A very odd choice for a favourite track, due to the very reason you describe - it feels like a bit of experimentation and fun, whereas other songs on the album work as more robust, more fulfilling songs that stand independently. Still, it's an excellent record. What do you make of Brown's latest album?

Surf: Wow, another appearance of this track. I do enjoy its noisy Sonic Youth style, for sure. Is it good enough to feature on several lists? Not sure.

Ron: Found it a bit bland on every level.

Chien: Welcome!!! Chilly Gonzales is a blast from the past, the long-gone 2000s for me. This may be good but it's clearly dependent on understanding the lyrics. I felt similar about the Hoishi song. As for The National, I've given up on listening to them, as their sound has become so generic. This is undoubtably pleasant, but I much preferred their Boxer era.

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by JohnErle »

Cody Hanson – When Big Country released The Crossing in 1983, the title track got relegated to b-side status despite being as good as anything on the album, so I get you. This had a nice guitar sound and lots of energy but weak vocals.

JPEGMAFIA – Too out there and over-stuffed for me. And Marmaduke? Seriously?

Shame – The music was nice, but the Nick Cave wannabe vocals had me lunging for the killswitch.

Yo La Tengo – I had a crossover with both Surfer and Six in the same countdown? These are truly the end times.

Omar Apollo – Not for me.

Is Chilly Gonzales supposed to be the love child of Chilly Willy and Speedy Gonzales? Not for me.

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by transformers2 »

Six, I need to give Quartana some more spins to really firm up my opinion on it, but as of right now I think it's a less consistent, slightly more downbeat version of uknowwhatimsayin? and the weakest full-length Brown has put out since his debut
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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by Leestu »


Gaby Moreno was a nice song with great vocals

yeah I liked this Mutoid Man song more...great pace and energy and some good songwriting

I love Wednesday, and Bull Believer is brilliant...if it wasn't released as a single in 2022 it would have been top 10 for me too...and if I had've heard it in 2022 it would have been top 10 that year

Wombo was pretty cool and very enjoyable

I surprisingly liked the d4vd song...not normally my thing but I got into the chugging beat, the vocals and their mopey delivery, and the instant catchiness


Peter One - I love when a song just lyrically seems to hit home for where you are at at that point in time. I usually have one of those every year. for 2023 it was an older song that I heard for the first time so not in this list - anyway as to this song taking away that element which doesn't exist for me: maybe not the vocals but musically sounded too much like a movie song from the old westerns that were old when I was a kid and they were on TV every Saturday early afternoon

Probably the best song from that QOTSA album, but a little bit sad they had to go back to sounding like they did way back to get that

I liked the Heartworms song - 24 Hours and Retributions Of An Awful life were both in consideration for my top but neither ended up making it...I'll keep listening to them though for sure

All Structures Align is some solid post-rock that gets the job done and doesn't overstay it's welcome like some post-rock tends to

I think I would have liked the Dom Dolla song more if it was an instrumental


That's the second time I have had to listen to that Sparks song today. It's okay but it doesn't maintain my attention

Withchcraft is my favourite from that King Gizz album

After a few listens the PJ Harvey song has got my interest yet, and probably won't

I liked the Washer song...might listen to that again

I find the horns a bit too much but apart from that I don't mind the Little Simz the beat and flow

the Hoshi song was pretty good...I liked the one directional build in intensity


I actually find this Yo La Tengo song a bit lifeless - but I am like that with them - absolutely love some songs but find a lot of it middling

Veil of Maya - I didn't mind the deathcore elements and the glitchiness but the singing (not the shouty growling) in the chorus(?) puts me off

Noname doesn't do much for me...maybe the lyrics are worth it but they don't make me pay attention to know that (at least not on first listen)

BDRMM are pretty good...I always enjoy them when they come up on a playlist

The Nothing But Thieves song is too emo stadium pop rock for me (at least you didn't pick Welcome to the DCC - the disco/dance element jsut sounds wrong from them)

Yeah The National have lost me now too - I still love his voice but it's the dreary piano type of songs they are making now I am not into


David Wax Museum felt like it should have been quirky but it wasn't and left me disappointed (maybe unfairly)

not keen on that JPEG/Danny Brown track - the milkshake sample doesn't help that

the shame album is my favourite album of the year, and four songs from it made my 100 but not this one - that often happens with us...still think it's a great song though, just not one of my faves from the album

I saw Omar Apollo live at a festival once when no one better was playing at that time - I wished someone better was...Drake isn't for me so drake-lite definitely isn't

Not speaking the language are we missing context for Chilly Gonzales - otherwise it is too strange but not strange enough

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Re: Top 25 Songs of 2023

Post by JohnErle »

Before I reveal my #1, I want to give a shout out to my favourite legacy discovery of 2023.

I'm listening to more Latin music and classic jazz than ever before, and I've always placed a strong emphasis on percussion, which is undoubtedly why this popped up in my Spotify queue one day.

Sabu Martinez was a congo player who joined Dizzy Gillespie's band at the age of 18 and went on to play with Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman and countless others. This was his first album as a bandleader and I love everything about it, including the classic cool of the album cover.

Now, my recap for 2023.

Honourable Mentions:

Sparks – Veronica Lake
Peter One – Cherie Vico
Botticelli Baby – Poems
Yo La Tengo – Sinatra Drive Breakdown
Andy Shauf – Catch Your Eye
Margo Price – Change Of Heart

Full list:

#25: Silkroad Ensemble – Oh Death
#24: Buffalo Nichols – You're Going To Need Somebody On Your Bond
#23: The Golden Dregs – How It Starts
#22: Kylie Fox – Confetti
#21: Shinyribs – Simply Belong To You
#20: Louis Michot – Le Cas De Marguerite
#19: Big Thief – Vampire Empire
#18: Margo Price – Strays
#17: Margo Cilker – Keep It On A Burner
#16: Blur – The Narcissist
#15: Ray LaMontagne – It Takes Me Back
#14: Belle & Sebastian – So In The Moment
#13: Emily Rose & The Rounders – The Drifter
#12: Lol Tolhurst etc. - Los Angeles
#11: Billy Keane – Halo
#10: The New Pornographers – Really Really Light
#9: Botticelli Baby – Lips
#8: Dougie Poole – High School Gym
#7: S.G. Goodman – Take It Away (pt. B)
#6: Gaby Moreno – Fronteras (Acoustico)
#5: Sparks – The Girl Is Crying In Her Latte
#4: Peter One – Brids Go Die Out Of Sight (Don't Go Home)
#3: Yo La Tengo – Fallout
#2: David Wax Museum – Best Lover

#1: Sparks – You Were Meant For Me

“Who comes after me
Had better, better be
A perfect specimen of man”

That killer synth sound from the album's lead single/title track returns along with some sunnier accompaniment to deliver yet another synth-pop masterpiece from one of the architects of the genre.

I love the way this song keeps adding and then removing layers to keep things fresh, all while that synth riff keeps chugging along underneath. If there was any justice in the world this would have been the song of the summer. It's impossible to feel depressed while listening to Sparks, so if more people did there would be fewer people crying in their lattes.

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