Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by transformers2 »

Chien: Damn fine song. Winehouse was a special talent

Geezer: Do they tend to close their sets with this? I'm pretty sure that was the case both times I saw them, but a combination of not having seen them live since 2011 and a lack of familiarity with their catalog could be fogging up my memory. Regardless, it's a sufficiently rousing track that definitely makes a room pop (and I haven't even seen them headline!).

John: Music was kind of soothing, but the whole spiritual mountain man routine the vocalist pulled was exceptionally annoying.

Leestu: Naturally I prefer their most spastic material, but it's still a pretty good track from a great album.

NSpan: This was funky as hell and that guitar tone *chef's kiss*.

Ron B: A classic. One of the best beats Dre has ever produced and the tag team hook with Snoop is incredible.

Screen: How is your #4 song of the past 20 years "not that great"? You must have a very low opinion of this era's music if that's the case. As for the song itself, I think this is a contender for Gaga's best track. It has all of the maximalist flair she's known for and her chemistry with Beyoncé is off-the-charts.

Shryke: I feel bad shitting on a song that has a deep personal connection to you, but this was exceptionally dull.

Six: Hasn't grown on me since Surfer posted it. While this isn't bad at all, they just sound like a less passionate version of Idles.

Surfer: Well I'll tell you one thing, that certainly was a song that lasted for 4 minutes and 9 seconds.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by Shrykespeare »


Ron B - The Pot - Huh. A Tool song less than 12 minutes long! Seriously, though, this song kicks ass. 8/10

Six - On Battleship Hill - I'm still kind of pissed at you, but I won't take it out on this song. Kind or reminds me of Loreena McKinnett. Good stuff. 7.5/10

Surfer - Neighbournood #1 (Tunnels) - I quite like Arcade Fire. I'd not heard this one before, but I like it. 7/10

Geezer - Clear the Air - Great song, cool video. Don't think I've seen someone's face take this much abuse in a music video since The Edge in Numb. 7/10

JohnErle - The Mariner's Revenge Song - I'm with Surfer. Tres Twee. (Say that five times fast.) :lol: 6,5/10

Screen - Sweet Nothing - Decent enough, but didn't grab me. 6/10

Chien - Fake Empire - Decent enough, but didn't grab me. 6/10

Leestu - Shark Fin Blues - Decent enough, but didn't grab me. 6/10

NSpan - Delicate Cycle - Decent enough, but didn't grab me. 6/10 (I'm sensing a trend...)

Tranny - Disease, Injury, Madness - Thus endeth the trend. Nouwwww. 5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by numbersix »


Chien: It was alright, but neither the music nor the lyrics felt particularly distinct to me.
Geezer: I forget from the countdowns of albums and all-time songs, but do you like Springsteen?
John: Point taken about their range of songs. This was, like the previous one, amusing and fun, even if that kind of theatricality isn't something I'd normally listen to.
Leetsu: While not a fan, this is probably their best song in the last 20 years.
NSpan: I'm still not enamored by her vocals and the 60-style samples (which makes it sound very 90s, strangely enough, when a lot of artists were using that sound in a trip-hop kinda way).
Ron B: Never knew these two collaborated! Neither are at the top of their game, but it was still really good stuff.
Screen: Maybe someone put something in my cornflakes but I quite liked this song. Sam Smith's vocal work really well - and I loathe that guy!
Shryke: Well, I gave your last pick a hard time so for this I'll say, truth be told, that it was okay but not for me.
Surf: Yet another crossover. Fantastic song that reminds me of the summers of 2001 and 2002 with significant clarity.
Tranny: Another surprise as I kinda got into it. The 3-min runtime certainly helped as well.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by Geezer »

transformers2 wrote:
May 28th, 2020, 10:24 pm

Geezer: Do they tend to close their sets with this? I'm pretty sure that was the case both times I saw them, but a combination of not having seen them live since 2011 and a lack of familiarity with their catalog could be fogging up my memory. Regardless, it's a sufficiently rousing track that definitely makes a room pop (and I haven't even seen them headline!).
Not in my experience. I think they most often close with Sink, Florida, Sink, We Laugh at Danger or Black Me Out. Pints of Guiness is usually pretty early in their set when I've seen them.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Round 3 thoughts

Chien, Miossec - Wasn't particularly interested in the vocals, though the music picked up by the end to keep me interested.

Geezer, The Gaslight Anthem - Much prefer the Blue Jeans song, this was very Springsteen-sequel and a little plodding if I'm honest.

JohnErle, Sparks - Vaguely more interesting than the previous Sparks efforts, but still way to theatrical for my taste.

Leestu, Green Day - Still torn over this song, which is in essence four songs in one. When they are at breakneck speed, this is fun, when they go for anthemic hair rock, the bombast is a little tedious.

Nspan, Got A Girl - Drifted over me to be honest, don't think Winstead really has the singing chops to make a career out of it and the music didn't do anything spectacular.

Ron, DJ Shadow - Had a cool retro beat which I could definitely imagine in a Tarantino film. Definitely one of the better songs of his I have heard

Screen, Disclosure - I'm familiar with this song, and while I would still class this as a club song, it's slowed down a little to make it more interesting and the vocals work well with it.

Shryke, The Format - It was better than Leona Lewis, so that's a start. Not really for me, but didn't offend so would be pleasant enough radio fare if I heard it.

Six, Kendrick Lamar - When he is not using that word this has a nice flow, the jazz influence adds a little to it. Not something I would ever seek out, but was more listenable than much of his work on this countdown.

Tranny, Mastodon - It was angry, but manageable. Its amazing the variety of ways you can stumble onto an artist, and video games seem to be the new entry point for a lots of acts nowadays.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by Geezer »

Yes, I get it, they are similar to Springsteen. They are inspired by Springsteen. They follow the same genre as Springsteen. They are from the same state as Springsteen. They have played shows with the Boss himself. He's a big fan.

I connect more to their music on a personal level than I ever have with Sprinsteen's. Probably a generational thing.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by Shrykespeare »



Benjamin Biolay, La Superbe (2009)

As I said before, Biolay is the most present artist on my list, because he’s my favourite living singer/musician/composer/lyricist, pick one, pick each one. And my love for him started here, with that song, with that album “La Superbe”, one of the best albums this century has heard. Biolay has a way with words, and a way with music, and a way with arrangements, that to me has no equivalent today, even if Surfer would prefer to send him to the Eurovision ;)

I limited myself to 5 of his songs when starting this, otherwise I would have probably included 3 or 4 more. And I always knew “La Superbe” would appear very high. At first it was around 7 or 8, but finally, it’s here, on the podium. La Superbe (which, as always with Biolay, doesn’t just mean what it seems, as “la superbe” means “the superb”, something beautiful, but a more metaphoric meaning is one’s glory, or one’s pride) is a poem, like almost any song by Biolay. It’s a song that grows along the way musically, especially midway through it. I hope the poetry of the song will impregnate you. Here is a site with the lyrics rather well translated, even if you lose the harmony of the rimes and multiple meanings :


Against Me!, Black Me Out (2014)

What can I say about Against Me! that I haven't already said? Well, I imagine not much. So let's talk about this song specifically. The closing track to their crowning achievement. The perfect send off to the perfect comeback. The ultimate "Fuck You" to every single person who ever made Laura Jane Grace feel like she had to be something that she wasn't. I mentioned off the cuff in a comment to NSpan, when he said that the song he presented could basically be summed up as "Fuck you," that I had one that would rank very highly on my list that you could say the same thing. The catharsis of singing along to this song is a feeling unlike any other for me, especially when I get to do it arm in arm with friends, brothers, or complete strangers at a punk show. Just screaming your lungs out in a "full body high," getting to release any anger, frustration or ill will that has been trapped inside of you. That is punk rock at its very core. Transgender Dysphoria Blues, to me, is the most important album of the last twenty years, and this is the most incredible song on it. Enjoy.

P.S. This was going to be my number one song until minutes before I sent Shryke this e-mail (5/27), so obviously, it's pretty darn close between the top two.


Jason Isbell, Speed Trap Town (2015)

Like many great storytellers, Jason Isbell doesn't reveal what this song is really about at first, but I'll go ahead and spoil it for you because it's impossible to explain why this song resonates so strongly with me without addressing the lyrics. It's about the love a son can have for an emotionally distant father, and how difficult it can be to see the man a young boy looked up to as the embodiment of strength now weakened by age and infirmity. These are emotions I've been dealing with after visiting home for the first time in a decade and seeing how drastically my father had aged. Throw in that final verse about leaving the small town you grew up in, the sparse yet haunting music, and the incredible dynamics in the production and you have a song that feels tailor-made for me.

Also: Elephant, Live Oak


Tame Impala, Let It Happen (2015)

Amazing production on this song (when the music starts to become muffled as if you are hearing it underwater and then the vocals come in clear as a bell is a highlight that made me sit up and take notice), and a groove that once it clicks with you after a few listens, you can’t stop grooving along to. This is seven plus minutes of musical heaven if you let it happen.

Above link didn't work for me. This did:


Wilco, I'll Fight (2009)

This is me and my fiancée Sarah's song. Despite having seen Wilco live prior, I discovered this particular track after it was featured in the season finale of Netflix's "Love",


Radiohead, Pyramid Song (2001)


Kieza, Hideaway (2014)

I love this song. So much I actually own a physical copy of the EP, when I generally use digital platforms for music. Love the influence from 90s house, and the beat and vocals are some of my favorites ever. The build up in the track showcases Kieza's voice (and is probably the only popular song in the past 30 years - at least- to have - I think they are called bells? The percussion keyboard - I used to play percussion in the school band around the time I first heard this, and I appreciated a song I could actually play) and the beat that follows has great use of synths. The music video is great is well. Really, I can't explain my affection for this song without being able to describe the time I first heard it.


Audioslave, I Am the Highway (2003)

I love Chris Cornell’s voice, IMHO the greatest voice in since Freddie M left us. No one projects raw pain and angst so powerfully, and never more than in this song. Though I Am the Highway preceded his suicide by a decade and a half, I can only wonder how bottomless the well of depression he so obviously suffered was at the time. The term “tortured genius” definitely applies to Chris, and while I decry suicide as an out, I take solace in the fact that he has carved out his place in rock and roll history that is his and his alone. I am still kicking myself for not having this on my ATF list ten years ago.


The Arcade Fire, Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) (2010)

I didn’t have this song up so high initially, but whenever I listen to it it never fails to give me goosebumps, which I guess is a good sign. It’s also the most upbeat track in my Top 10, arguably. The Canadian act spend a lot of time singing about the constrictive nature of homogenous suburbs, and this is a song about celebrating the breaking free from those chains, escaping the norm, and following your feelings. The music swells and sparkles with synths and who better to sing than the band’s Regine Chassagne, whose ambitions often exceed her vocal abilities, enhancing that sense of every average person’s boundless yearning.


The White Stripes, Hotel Yorba (2001)

I'm sure a few of you knew this was coming, the song that, thanks to the legendary John Peel, started my love affair with Jack and Meg White. Peel played this song when I was studying for my exams, and I was blown away by this bluesy, country strum of the guitar strummed away before a young, wailing voice began to sing. I was mesmerized. So simple, yet so effective. The song, named after a notorious Detroit doss house is so frantic in its acoustic lilt, with the drums almost tumbling over themselves just trying to keep up with the chorus. After the song was played, I immediately dropped my work, headed for the computer and looked up all I could about this band. While I became enamoured with the Detroit rock scene as a result, The White Stripes remain the pinnacle of that once thrilling scene, and this song sits right up there with the best.


Coheed and Cambria, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 (2003)

Coheed and Cambria's defining song is also their best in my eyes. It's a beautiful, sweeping epic that captures their gifts for melodies, scale, catchiness and cheesy, convoluted sci-fi mythology better than anything else in their catalog.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by Leestu »

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by Leestu »


The I Love It

The Strokes, Last Nite - classic influential song

The Very Good

DJ Shadow feat. Run the Jewels, Nobody Speak - catchy for sure...I'm disappointed RTJ were represented on this countdown but no Close Your Eyes And Count To Fuck, their standout song in my eyes that got me into them

Mastodon, Iron Tusk - first listen...yeah this rocked hard in a good way

The Good

Kendrick Lamar, Alright - an important song that I would respectfully chant along with in support if I could,( but I understandably don't), with some strong lyrics, that sadly is still just as timely now as to Kendrick and this album for getting me into exploring and enjoying other jazzy hip hop

The Format, The First Single - decent indie pop

The Okay

Got a Girl, Did We Live Too Fast - first listen...pleasant and enjoyable...possibly a grower

The Gaslight Anthem, The '59 Sound - just a pure rock song, nothing wrong with it, but nothing special to my tastes

Sparks, Suburban Homeboy - first listen...lyrically entertaining, musically not so much

Disclosure feat. Sam Smith, Latch - a tad different to their normal output...and for all my bitching throughout this countdown about Disclosure not doing anything different, their new single released last week is very different to their norm,and I actually quite like it and have listened to it a few times now

The Meh

Miossec, Je m’en vais - first listen...literally unremarkable, I have no remarks to make

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by Leestu »


The Excellent

Radiohead, Pyramid Song - fantastic song...this and Life In A Glasshouse are the highlights of Amnesiac

The Great

The White Stripes, Hotel Yorba - infectiously fun song

The Very Good

Audioslave, I Am the Highway - I usually prefer his rockier side but with that voice I'm always happy to listen to his mellow singing too

Wilco, I'll Fight - first listen...I might have heard this before or it sounds favourably familiar...sweet song...I want to move this on the playlist to follow Jason Isbell, Tame Impala totally break up the nice flow in the middle of these two

Jason Isbell, Speed Trap Town - first listen...this was good quality all round

The Good

Coheed and Cambria, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 - first listen...great placement as the closing song of today's playlist

Against Me!, Black Me Out - I do appreciate the sentiment of a good 'fuck you' song

Benjamin Biolay, La Superbe - first listen...I liked it

The Meh

The Arcade Fire, Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) - is there some sort of theme for today?..."Regine Chassagne, whose ambitions often exceed her vocal abilities" of the things I like about Arcade Fire, it's on display a few tines on the Everything Now album...there's a few songs I like from this album but not so much the synth pop heavy ones like this

The Rest

Kieza, Hideaway - first listen...hopefully only listen

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by Shrykespeare »


Geezer - The '59 Sound - Great song. No two ways about it. 7.5/10

Surfer - Last Nite - Did not expect to see this so many times. Good song, but it'll never be one of my faves. 7/10

Leestu - Jesus of Suburbia - Love most of Green Day's stuff from the oughts. This one not so much as many others, but I still like it. 7/10

Screen - Latch - Good song. Really enjoyed it. 7/10

JohnErle - Suburban Homeboy - Something Beatles-esque in this, with some definite Python silliness thrown in. Not sure I'd join you at the Broadway version of this song, but you go enjoy! 6.5/10

NSpan - Did We Live Too Fast - Nice melody, but nothing that really stood out to me. 6/10

Tranny - Iron Tusk - I like Mastodon more than your growly demons, but not enough to listen twice. 6/10

Chien - Je m’en vais - Not for me. 5.5/10

Ron B - Nobody Speak - Did nothing for me. 5/10

Six - Alright - Just not into this kind of music. Doubt I ever will be. 4.5/10
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by numbersix »


Chien: Sadly it sounded way to melodramatic for me.
Geez: I appreciated the lyrics and the singer is certainly singing from her heart. The music was a little plain though.
JohnE: It didn't sound hugely distinct to me, but it was pleasant and heartfelt
Leetsu: I do love the groove in this song, one of the few Tame Impala songs I like. Just not sure it sustains for the almost 8 mins. Works better as a 3 min single
NSpan: Another pleasant song. It's sweet in sentiment but musically right in the middle of their ongoing MOR era. I literally can't recall a single song from their last few albums, whereas A Ghost is Born and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot have so many songs I love.
Ron B: Great pick. Very much deserving its place in a Top 10!
Screen: All the musical elements it refers to and borrows from never interested me, so this uptempo deep house stuff doesn't resonate. I'm curious about your musical instrument - do you mean a xylophone or a glockenspiel?
Shryke: Agreed on Cornell's voice. It is excellent. But the music of Audioslave never matched his vocals, which is why I'd rather listen to Soundgarden over anything by this group.
Surf: Great singalong song! I tend to lean more towards electric White Stripes, but this works so well on the album.
Tranny: This roves all over the place. Aspects of pop, prog, metal, but none of them really hit my taste. Also the band's name always makes me think of Lockheed Martin which makes me angry.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by silversurfer19 »

Round 2 thoughts

Last of the full round comments, and it was a decent one!

Chien, Benjamin Biolay - Was much better than a lot of your French language songs, mostly because there was a little more drama and intensity to the music. Vocals were nice alongside this so enjoyed it quite a bit.

Geezer, Against Me! - Vocals were strong and the lyrics were great, but musically it was all a little pedestrian unfortunately. Not my favourite from the band by a long shot.

JohnErle, Jason Isbell - Not bad, better than the last one of his you posted, but sounds like a Ryan Adams cast off, so would rather listen to that really.

Leestu, Tame Impala - Don't think I realised this was him, but this is great, has a cool laid back vibe which I dig, even with the length of the track.

Nspan, Wilco - I like this one, it's simple but really pleasant. Not a patch on their earlier work, but very nice.

Ron, Radiohead - Surprised this has become so popular as we have reached the climax of the countdown. Didn't know it was so well liked. Still it's a very good song, love how all the instruments come together after such an eerie, yet delicate beginning.

Screen, Kieza - Vocals are indeed strong, not so interested in the rest of the song, though it is more passable than much of the club music that I have heard.

Shryke, Audioslave - Think I actually prefer Audioslave when they are more restrained, I think it gives an opportunity to highlight Cornell's vocals all the more, so I enjoyed this one quite a bit.

Six, Arcade Fire - Not usually a fan of Regine on vocals, as you say she doesn't really have the ability to reach those notes. However, this is one of the exceptions, touching where the group would go with Reflektor, this is great and one of the highlights of The Suburbs alongside the title track and Modern Man.

Tranny, Coheed and Cambria - Not so screamy so much more acceptable for my musical palette, though it does verge on the whiny instead which isn't that much better. Musically it has its moments, though it does drift a little at times too.

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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by transformers2 »

Chien: Respect The National immensely, it's just that the vocals are too much of a hurdle for me to overcome to enjoy their music.

Geezer: The combination of traditional punk instrumentation/anger and poppier stuff works pretty well.

John: A nearly 9 minute Decemberists sea shanty has to be in contention for the soundtrack to my personal hell.

Leestu: Jesus Christ, I wasn't expecting such a emotional opus when it first came on. This is raw and vulnerable in the most viscerally devastating way. Not confident I'll revisit it anytime soon, but it's definitely very impressive.

NSpan: What a jarring pairing. Couldn't get into at all.

Ron: Tool has started to bore me of late, but this song still goes pretty hard.

Screen: Heard this a few times in the past, but I had no clue Florence Welch was singing on this! Booming electropop suits her surprisingly well.

Shryke: An improvement over the Snow Patrol version, but still pretty boring.

Six: Aww...…….. nope

Surfer: One of the weaker tracks from a good album that I really need to spend more time with.
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Re: Top 100 Songs of the Millennium (2000-2019) - #10-2

Post by transformers2 »

Chien: Some of the melodic explosions were decent, but the main piano/vocal section was very dull.

Geezer: The Only Gaslight Anthem song I'm notably familiar with. While I understand the Springsteen comparisons with the vocals, I personally think this is much better than his shit simply because it's not indulgent at all and has an energy level that isn't comparable to a city morgue.

John: Nothing outside of the world of science or mathematics has confused me as much as this.

Leestu: The love I had for American Idiot as a teenager has not carried over at all to adulthood. However, this is literally the only track that I don't find to be corny or downright insufferable.

NSpan: Dreamy, intoxicating and utterly delightful. Dan the Automator crushes the production per usual and Mary Elizabeth Winstead can really fucking sing!

Ron B: Surprised six hadn't hear this before. Even if he weren't a fan of both artists, it's been a hard track to avoid as it's appeared in roughly 1,000 movie trailers over the past 18 months or so :lol: Anyways... It's a fun, punchy track that helped bring RTJ to a wider audience and "Flame your crew faster than Trump fucks his youngest" is one of my favorite El-P punchlines ever.

Screen: Speaking of six, I echo his take on this. Sam Smith tends to drive me up a wall, but he's great here. Plus that instrumental is absolutely killer.

Shryke: Harmless tune that sort reminded me of the mutant child of the Gin Blossoms and Third Eye Blind.

Six: A pointed and poignant rallying cry that has a message that needs to be heard until this disgusting, wide-spanning system of system racism against the black community finally gets broken. Brilliant choice.

Surfer: A seminal indie/alternative track from this era that's really difficult to not like.
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